Page 18 - The South China Business Journal
P. 18

Ms. May Qiu

Governor of AmCham South China

Idon’t think I am a role model for successful
businesswomen, but I try all my best. And I believe as
long as you keep an open mind, embrace the change
and try all possibilities you will grow up through the
experiences and also enjoy the fun that different roles
brought to you. When there is a chance, I will say “Go
for it and try something different, try something new.”
Don’t limit yourself by your gender, your age, or even
by location. You will find all the potential when you are
trying and what really inspires you in your life and in your
career. If you don’t try, you would never know.

Ms. Tracy Zhu

Deputy General Manager, Corporate Asset
Management Center & General Manager Branded
Hotels Management Department, R&F Group

I’ve been in the hotel industry for more than thirty
years. I would say I am lucky because, in the past
30 years, we can witness big changes in the status
of female employees and leadership in China’s hotel
industry. When I first joined the hotel industry, only
10% of women in this industry can be department
heads and only 2% of women can be General
managers. Now, 40-42% of senior managers in this
industry are women leaders. Some hotels even set
a goal to increase the female GM percentage. This
industry is now more embracing women leaders. And
the mutual understanding makes women easier to
grow in this industry.

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