P. 20
The Digital Trade Revolution:
How U.S. Workers and Companies Can
Benefit from a Digital Trade Agreement
By Robert Grant, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The Digital Trade Revolution: How U.S. and warehousing, arts and entertainment, and
Workers and Companies Can Benefit from even mining. Nearly two-thirds of the digital
a Digital Trade Agreement underscores the economy consists of digital services, not digital
promise of digital trade as a driver of dynamic goods. The digital economy is expanding nearly
growth and good jobs in the U.S. and abroad. three times as rapidly as the economy writ large.
With details on a host of industry sectors and
state-by-state fact sheets, the report shows Digital economy jobs are proliferating
that most U.S. services exports now have the in the United States.
potential to be delivered to customers abroad
digitally. It also reveals how companies of Jobs tied to the digital economy can be found in
all sizes have the potential to benefit from nearly every sector, and their number is growing
digital trade and lays out principles to guide at a faster rate than that of overall job growth
the negotiation of a digital trade agreement. over the last decade. These jobs pay well, and
Additionally, it identifies a group of economies compensation growth for digital jobs exceeds that
- dubbed the “Digital Dozen” in this report - for all jobs generally.
considered potentially suitable partners to join
the United States in a high-standard digital
trade agreement, including markets from the
Indo-Pacific and the Americas to the UK.
The digital economy has become
critical to the U.S. economy
The digital economy has become critical to the
U.S. economy driving growth, prosperity, and
dynamism for every state and sector across
the United States. A diverse range of firms
not traditionally seen as actors in the digital
economy are producing digital goods and
services, including businesses in transportation
The Digital Trade Revolution:
How U.S. Workers and Companies Can
Benefit from a Digital Trade Agreement
By Robert Grant, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The Digital Trade Revolution: How U.S. and warehousing, arts and entertainment, and
Workers and Companies Can Benefit from even mining. Nearly two-thirds of the digital
a Digital Trade Agreement underscores the economy consists of digital services, not digital
promise of digital trade as a driver of dynamic goods. The digital economy is expanding nearly
growth and good jobs in the U.S. and abroad. three times as rapidly as the economy writ large.
With details on a host of industry sectors and
state-by-state fact sheets, the report shows Digital economy jobs are proliferating
that most U.S. services exports now have the in the United States.
potential to be delivered to customers abroad
digitally. It also reveals how companies of Jobs tied to the digital economy can be found in
all sizes have the potential to benefit from nearly every sector, and their number is growing
digital trade and lays out principles to guide at a faster rate than that of overall job growth
the negotiation of a digital trade agreement. over the last decade. These jobs pay well, and
Additionally, it identifies a group of economies compensation growth for digital jobs exceeds that
- dubbed the “Digital Dozen” in this report - for all jobs generally.
considered potentially suitable partners to join
the United States in a high-standard digital
trade agreement, including markets from the
Indo-Pacific and the Americas to the UK.
The digital economy has become
critical to the U.S. economy
The digital economy has become critical to the
U.S. economy driving growth, prosperity, and
dynamism for every state and sector across
the United States. A diverse range of firms
not traditionally seen as actors in the digital
economy are producing digital goods and
services, including businesses in transportation