P. 19
existing disparities in public infrastructure If we hope to close opportunity gaps, we must do
continue to have profound costs on communities more than making up for the lack of investment
of color. Decisions on highway placement in in the past, we must ensure that minority
decades past continue to separate minority communities have access to the infrastructure
neighborhoods from commercial districts. of the future. Few things are as important
to education, job creation, and economic
Today, fewer transit options and longer opportunity than access to high-speed broadband
commutes from minority neighborhoods to job internet. Through $42 billion for broadband
centers can make it more difficult to maintain equity, access and deployment, we can close
employment and balance family obligations. internet access gaps that if unaddressed will hold
Black, Latino, and Native American people back minority communities in the years to come.
are more likely to live in homes without clean
drinking water, impacting both health and the Finally, the Infrastructure Investment and
cost of living. Households of color are also more Jobs Act includes provisions such as codifying
likely to live near toxic Superfund cites in need of and strengthening the Minority Business
cleanup, impacting health, property values, and Development Agency (MBDA) to ensure
local economic opportunities. more minority-owned businesses connect
with opportunities to rebuild our nation’s
The historic bipartisan Infrastructure Investment infrastructure as prime and sub-prime
and Jobs Act recently signed into law by contractors, planners, designers, architects and
President Biden provides a once-in-a-generation engineers. Streamlining procurement processes,
opportunity to close the opportunity gaps that simplifying government lending programs
exist in our nation’s core infrastructure. and unbundling large contracts will help these
enterprises be even more competitive and create
The law includes $351 billion for highway jobs in the communities where they exist. Major
programs and $91 billion for transit programs. corporations can also play a role in ensuring that
As local, state, and federal leaders decide minority-owned businesses have a seat at the
which projects to fund with this historic level of infrastructure table by increasing sub-contracting
investment it is critical that they prioritize transit opportunities and enhancing access to much
projects that shorten long, multi-stop commutes needed capital, credit and bonding.
between minority communities and job centers;
fix highways that bifurcate neighborhoods; and Closing the opportunity gaps in infrastructure
improve road quality and capacity to improve won’t just benefit minority communities, they
economic opportunity for minority communities. will make our whole economy stronger. In
its Business Case for Racial Equity, the W.K.
Another $55 billion is included to ensure that Kellogg Foundation notes that our economy
households, schools, daycare centers, and stands to gain $8 trillion by 2050 by eliminating
businesses have access to clean water. Critically, racial inequalities across our society.Though
$15 billion is set aside specifically to replace there have been improvements in recent years,
lead water pipes, which literally bring poison Black unemployment is still twice that of white
through the tap. Lead water pipes happen Americans. In addition, 19% of Black Americans
to be most prominent in older, low-income, live below the poverty level, compared to 7% of
minority neighborhoods. The infusion of federal white Americans.
resources will help many minority and low-
income communities complete the long-overdue An equitable infrastructure program can create
and expensive upgrades that are essential for higher paying jobs and help close the wealth gap.
supporting local economic growth. It is not only a moral imperative, but a matter of
our economic competitiveness.
When it comes to the environment, the bill
includes $21 billion to clean up Superfund and Now is the time to make real the dream of Dr.
brownfield sites, reclaim abandoned mine land King – a modern, inclusive infrastructure to
and cap orphaned oil and gas wells. provide the economic growth and quality of life
that all communities deserve.
continue to have profound costs on communities more than making up for the lack of investment
of color. Decisions on highway placement in in the past, we must ensure that minority
decades past continue to separate minority communities have access to the infrastructure
neighborhoods from commercial districts. of the future. Few things are as important
to education, job creation, and economic
Today, fewer transit options and longer opportunity than access to high-speed broadband
commutes from minority neighborhoods to job internet. Through $42 billion for broadband
centers can make it more difficult to maintain equity, access and deployment, we can close
employment and balance family obligations. internet access gaps that if unaddressed will hold
Black, Latino, and Native American people back minority communities in the years to come.
are more likely to live in homes without clean
drinking water, impacting both health and the Finally, the Infrastructure Investment and
cost of living. Households of color are also more Jobs Act includes provisions such as codifying
likely to live near toxic Superfund cites in need of and strengthening the Minority Business
cleanup, impacting health, property values, and Development Agency (MBDA) to ensure
local economic opportunities. more minority-owned businesses connect
with opportunities to rebuild our nation’s
The historic bipartisan Infrastructure Investment infrastructure as prime and sub-prime
and Jobs Act recently signed into law by contractors, planners, designers, architects and
President Biden provides a once-in-a-generation engineers. Streamlining procurement processes,
opportunity to close the opportunity gaps that simplifying government lending programs
exist in our nation’s core infrastructure. and unbundling large contracts will help these
enterprises be even more competitive and create
The law includes $351 billion for highway jobs in the communities where they exist. Major
programs and $91 billion for transit programs. corporations can also play a role in ensuring that
As local, state, and federal leaders decide minority-owned businesses have a seat at the
which projects to fund with this historic level of infrastructure table by increasing sub-contracting
investment it is critical that they prioritize transit opportunities and enhancing access to much
projects that shorten long, multi-stop commutes needed capital, credit and bonding.
between minority communities and job centers;
fix highways that bifurcate neighborhoods; and Closing the opportunity gaps in infrastructure
improve road quality and capacity to improve won’t just benefit minority communities, they
economic opportunity for minority communities. will make our whole economy stronger. In
its Business Case for Racial Equity, the W.K.
Another $55 billion is included to ensure that Kellogg Foundation notes that our economy
households, schools, daycare centers, and stands to gain $8 trillion by 2050 by eliminating
businesses have access to clean water. Critically, racial inequalities across our society.Though
$15 billion is set aside specifically to replace there have been improvements in recent years,
lead water pipes, which literally bring poison Black unemployment is still twice that of white
through the tap. Lead water pipes happen Americans. In addition, 19% of Black Americans
to be most prominent in older, low-income, live below the poverty level, compared to 7% of
minority neighborhoods. The infusion of federal white Americans.
resources will help many minority and low-
income communities complete the long-overdue An equitable infrastructure program can create
and expensive upgrades that are essential for higher paying jobs and help close the wealth gap.
supporting local economic growth. It is not only a moral imperative, but a matter of
our economic competitiveness.
When it comes to the environment, the bill
includes $21 billion to clean up Superfund and Now is the time to make real the dream of Dr.
brownfield sites, reclaim abandoned mine land King – a modern, inclusive infrastructure to
and cap orphaned oil and gas wells. provide the economic growth and quality of life
that all communities deserve.