P. 18
New Report
Property Protections
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
On March 24, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce IP Boosts COVID Fight
released its ninth annual Intellectual Property
(IP) Index, “Recovery Through Ingenuity.” The The scientific community’s response to COVID-19 has
report reveals that IP protections improved been remarkable. Since the onset of the pandemic,
worldwide this year, often driven by international research-based companies have dedicated substantial
trade agreements. It also highlights IP’s vital scientific, financial, and manufacturing resources to
role in enabling the development of a pipeline of the fight against the virus. This has resulted in the
therapeutics and vaccines to combat COVID-19. development of therapeutics and vaccines to combat
“I’m sure the IP Index will enrich data points, the virus in months instead of years.
provide food for thought for policymakers These technologies and products are the fruits of a
throughout the world, and contribute to the larger pre-existing innovation ecosystem built around IP
discussion about how IP can improve the lives rights and incentives. Without strong and clear IP
of everyone, everywhere,” said General Daren rights, it is unlikely that any of those products and
Tang, director of the World Intellectual Property technologies—or the underlying R&D—that have been
Organization (WIPO). essential to keeping societies functioning and fighting
Here are some top takeaways from the report: the COVID-19 pandemic would exist.
IP Protection Goes Up Worldwide U.S. Claims Top Spot Again
The overall global IP environment improved in The U.S. again claimed the top spot in the IP Index
2020, with positive score increases in 32 of the 53 with an overall score of 95.31%. According to the
economies measured by the IP Index. Since 2014, report, the U.S. benefits from strong legal protections
the aggregated score of the economies benchmarked for IP, robust enforcement, and a long tradition of a
has improved 6.24%. rules-based legal system for adjudicating disputes.
New Report
Property Protections
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
On March 24, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce IP Boosts COVID Fight
released its ninth annual Intellectual Property
(IP) Index, “Recovery Through Ingenuity.” The The scientific community’s response to COVID-19 has
report reveals that IP protections improved been remarkable. Since the onset of the pandemic,
worldwide this year, often driven by international research-based companies have dedicated substantial
trade agreements. It also highlights IP’s vital scientific, financial, and manufacturing resources to
role in enabling the development of a pipeline of the fight against the virus. This has resulted in the
therapeutics and vaccines to combat COVID-19. development of therapeutics and vaccines to combat
“I’m sure the IP Index will enrich data points, the virus in months instead of years.
provide food for thought for policymakers These technologies and products are the fruits of a
throughout the world, and contribute to the larger pre-existing innovation ecosystem built around IP
discussion about how IP can improve the lives rights and incentives. Without strong and clear IP
of everyone, everywhere,” said General Daren rights, it is unlikely that any of those products and
Tang, director of the World Intellectual Property technologies—or the underlying R&D—that have been
Organization (WIPO). essential to keeping societies functioning and fighting
Here are some top takeaways from the report: the COVID-19 pandemic would exist.
IP Protection Goes Up Worldwide U.S. Claims Top Spot Again
The overall global IP environment improved in The U.S. again claimed the top spot in the IP Index
2020, with positive score increases in 32 of the 53 with an overall score of 95.31%. According to the
economies measured by the IP Index. Since 2014, report, the U.S. benefits from strong legal protections
the aggregated score of the economies benchmarked for IP, robust enforcement, and a long tradition of a
has improved 6.24%. rules-based legal system for adjudicating disputes.