P. 4
ITOR'S NOTE Dear Members, increase in the second half compared to a year
We are all holding our breath waiting for earlier. Chinese companies were more optimistic
Dr. Harley Seyedin the outcome of the US presidential election. than American firms about investment plans,
Whatever the outcome, we encourage a with 33% planning to increase investment in
President, AmCham South China process and ending which will be perceived the second half of this year versus only 17%
Winner of the 2017 Oslo as transparent, fair and impartial by each of US companies. Global supply chains remain
Business for Peace Award and every one of the more than 146 million vulnerable to disruption from the coronavirus
Awardedby theAwardCommitteeof Americans who voted in the election. outbreak, while continued US-China trade
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics We are highly encouraged by and fully support tensions are likely to reshape manufacturing
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University recent remarks by U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Robert in a way that could lead to more localization of
W. Forden that Washington will seek a “results- production in the future, according to analysts.
oriented relationship” with Beijing after the US This is the type of information both you and our
presidential election. In a WeChat post the US governments need now because of a potential
embassy said “Talking to each other is the best window of opportunity opening between China
way to understand each other,”. “Whatever the and the US due to the elections. Learn more
outcome of the US election, the United States about the current state of potential US-China
would continue to push for a fair and reciprocal relations in this month’s cover story on page
relationship with China and that there is 7. This month’s issue of SCBJ is chock full of
widespread and consistent bipartisan support information you need to know. Check out our
for current US policies towards China.” write-ups on AmCham Ice Breaking Party and
Every day is a busy day at AmCham South AmCham-P&Z Seminar on Post-pandemic Trends
China! of Dispute Resolution in our community news
We recently released our annual questionnaire section on page 23.
for our 2021 State of Business in South China Finally, I want to remind you once again
Study. The purpose of this study is to track about our AmCham Hope Ball. Tickets are
trends in the business environment in 2020 and still available, but time is running out. Every
provide accurate and first-hand information year, AmCham South China Balls are the most
for decision-making to enterprises and glamorous signature events in the Greater Bay
government. We hope you fill out the survey. It Area, attracting more than 500 well-dressed
allows us to give you better insight concerning guests include all the foreign Consuls General
the trends on international business in China. in Guangzhou, Directors General of provincial
We will get you the results after the first of the departments of commerce in South China, and
year. c-suite executives at multinational organizations.
Our most recent survey (released in late This is a dazzling opportunity to mingle, network
September) revealed that manufacturing and show off your best dance moves. Stay until
supply chains in southern China have improved the end so that you don’t miss the grand raffle
significantly since March when the country prizes at the Ball –in value of over RMB1,000,000!
was still grappling with the coronavirus crisis, We’ll see you there.
but companies are still reporting disruptions in
terms of transport and logistics. We found out
that nearly 48% of companies that took part
in the survey said they expected revenues to
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