P. 8
ver Story

World Supply Chain in Dire Straits

of the companies who participated in the
Chamber’s annual State of Business study.

The Supply Chain study sent shock waves
throughout the world sounding some badly
needed alarms calling on governments
around the world to cooperate to mitigate the
severity of the impact on the supply chain.
The study showed that while the problems
attributed to the slow restart of the logistics
industry in China were being resolved quite
rapidly, problems caused by shortages of
supplies and components originating from
other nations including US, EU, and Asia
Pacific to be growing rapidly. The supply
chain study also showed:

• 32% of the companies in the study faced

shortages with 15% of those already out of
some components, supplies or material.

On March 18 the American Chamber of Commerce in • 89% of those impacted believe problems
South China (AmCham South China) released the
results of its latest three studies, the Special Report on the will last between one to three months while
Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on the Supply Chain, the 11% predict six months or longer.
2020 White Paper on the Business Environment in China,
and the 2020 Special Report on the State of Business in • 100% of respondents report experiencing
South China.
varying levels of impact on their operations
The Special Report on the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak due to disruptions in the supply chain.
on the Supply Chain provides the results of the study of 237
companies, conducted from March 9-14, 2020. American • Companies report shortage problems
companies in the study make up over half of participants
while EU, China and other APEC countries represent the caused by logistics and delivery issues in
rest. Multinational companies make up nearly half of the China are being resolved quite rapidly.
companies in the study and manufacturers represent 76% However, they believe shortage of supplies
of the total. from US, EU and APEC (other than mainland
China) will continue to worsen.
The 500+-page 2020 White Paper, now in its 13th year,
a six months effort, represents a highly-researched, • While one multinational reports to have
exhaustively-cited account of the on-the-ground business
environment in China. The 2020 Special Report on the postponed its product release, others feel
State of Business in South China, now in its 16th year, they may have to follow suit affecting tens of
involves a study conducted from October 15, 2019 to Jan 15, thousands of employees globally.
2020 meanwhile, aggregates and analyzes the experiences
• With 18% of the shortage of components,

supplies or material involving US, EU

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