P. 10
How to Operate Your China
Business Remotely during
the Coronavirus Outbreak
With the current outbreak of coronavirus In this article, we outline some options
throughout China, businesses are and advice that specifically relate to
having to consider how to effectively utilize the Chinese business environment.
their employees under the situation where Considerations should focus on the short-
physical contact between individuals is being term situation (the coming two to three
restricted to a very high degree. The gathering weeks when employees may be restricted
of large numbers of staff in offices should be to their apartments while the incubation
avoided as much as possible, both in terms period for this virus passes) and the
of infection risks, as well as because many medium-term situation.
staff have to rely on heavily restricted public
transport to reach the office. It is in public For the forthcoming weeks, companies
environments where the risk of infection will need to rely on the corporate digital
is highest. Your business needs to mitigate infrastructure that they have already
against having staff travel, if at all possible, put in place and supplement it with the
during this time. other non-corporate infrastructure that
exists in China, while being aware of
Similarly, other traditional methods of the limitations and weaknesses of these
business operation like utilization of express public channels.
mail for delivery of important documents
cannot function under current situations. For well-prepared companies, remote
Such services have been shut down because working need not be too much of a
both the physical documents themselves and hindrance in the short-term. To take our
those workers carrying such documents can be firm as an example, our employees have
a cause of potential contamination. Sending laptops and are working from home.
staff to supplier factories to implement quality The company utilizes the MS O365
assurance work also becomes impractical under platform quite comprehensively, and
the restrictions put in place. our employees can maintain constant
contact with each other via this corporate
In short, most options for the standard platform. All the documents our
operation of businesses using traditional employees need for the implementation
methodologies are temporarily closed. The of their work are available to them on
options that remain open rely on “remote” Sharepoint Online and can be shared
operations. These methodologies only as necessary. Our ERP and CRM are
require the transmission of data through remotely accessible. Data transmitted
cables / WiFi – something that at least the between company computers are being
current coronavirus cannot take advantage utilized at home and our servers are
of. There are of course other dangers and encrypted prior to transmission. There
problems relating to over-reliance on digital is a slowdown in the transmission of
communications, particularly for organizations data, because employees have to utilize
that have not put in place a robust Business their apartment internet connections,
Continuity Plan (BCP).
7 AmCham South China
How to Operate Your China
Business Remotely during
the Coronavirus Outbreak
With the current outbreak of coronavirus In this article, we outline some options
throughout China, businesses are and advice that specifically relate to
having to consider how to effectively utilize the Chinese business environment.
their employees under the situation where Considerations should focus on the short-
physical contact between individuals is being term situation (the coming two to three
restricted to a very high degree. The gathering weeks when employees may be restricted
of large numbers of staff in offices should be to their apartments while the incubation
avoided as much as possible, both in terms period for this virus passes) and the
of infection risks, as well as because many medium-term situation.
staff have to rely on heavily restricted public
transport to reach the office. It is in public For the forthcoming weeks, companies
environments where the risk of infection will need to rely on the corporate digital
is highest. Your business needs to mitigate infrastructure that they have already
against having staff travel, if at all possible, put in place and supplement it with the
during this time. other non-corporate infrastructure that
exists in China, while being aware of
Similarly, other traditional methods of the limitations and weaknesses of these
business operation like utilization of express public channels.
mail for delivery of important documents
cannot function under current situations. For well-prepared companies, remote
Such services have been shut down because working need not be too much of a
both the physical documents themselves and hindrance in the short-term. To take our
those workers carrying such documents can be firm as an example, our employees have
a cause of potential contamination. Sending laptops and are working from home.
staff to supplier factories to implement quality The company utilizes the MS O365
assurance work also becomes impractical under platform quite comprehensively, and
the restrictions put in place. our employees can maintain constant
contact with each other via this corporate
In short, most options for the standard platform. All the documents our
operation of businesses using traditional employees need for the implementation
methodologies are temporarily closed. The of their work are available to them on
options that remain open rely on “remote” Sharepoint Online and can be shared
operations. These methodologies only as necessary. Our ERP and CRM are
require the transmission of data through remotely accessible. Data transmitted
cables / WiFi – something that at least the between company computers are being
current coronavirus cannot take advantage utilized at home and our servers are
of. There are of course other dangers and encrypted prior to transmission. There
problems relating to over-reliance on digital is a slowdown in the transmission of
communications, particularly for organizations data, because employees have to utilize
that have not put in place a robust Business their apartment internet connections,
Continuity Plan (BCP).
7 AmCham South China