P. 12

Most modern conference call platforms include elsewhere) and your IT resources.
not only an online attendance option where full
functionality can be enjoyed during meetings, Solutions should be put in place as soon as possible.
but also a “dial-in” option for those participants This current situation should be a wake-up call to
who simply want voice functionality through their your organization that such technology is becoming
mobile phones. This functionality is recommended increasingly important. It is not only critical in
for employees that might be facing limited “crisis” situations, such as the current coronavirus
bandwidth issues from their residential addresses. outbreak; digital communication / sharing tools
are increasingly being considered as a replacement
These above measures can at least enable your to the traditional office environment. For those
China-based employees to continue working with organizations that are “ahead of the game” in this
a reasonable degree of efficiency and security respect, this current crisis should actually provide
while the situation stabilizes. As that happens, them with a kind of competitive advantage for a
your company should be considering how to deal period of time.■
with the medium-term impact. This is something
that can’t be rushed. Business Continuity Plans About China Briefing
need to be designed carefully before they are
implemented, taking into account the nature of China Briefing is produced by Dezan Shira &
your business, its global requirements, as well as Associates. The firm assists foreign investors throughout
China-specific considerations. Once designed, Asia from offices across the world, including in Dalian,
appropriate hardware needs to be procured, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong
software installed, and data migrated carefully. Kong. Readers may write for more
The process takes months, requiring close liaison support on doing business in China.
between your operations teams in China (and
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