P. 27
nzhen Youthwill Environmental As a technology research and and used in spraying waste gas,
Protection Technology Co., Ltd. development environmental waste water purification treatment
was formally established in June protection enterprise, the company's of "high-efficiency paint remover",
2010, located in Longhua District, technology and research and "Composite suspending agent".
Shenzhen, Guagndong, a high-tech development center has a team "Yanfeng Environmental Protection
environmental protection enterprise of experts led by several senior Equipment" takes the market
with Class A qualification for waste environmental engineers, with demand as the guidance, unceasingly
gas purification, specializing in the more than ten national patents of innovates the project, the equipment
research and application of new environmental protection technology craft, the research and development
technologies for industrial waste gas products and equipment, the take spraying waste gas purification
purification and treatment. company has created a number of as the characteristic many kinds
typical engineering cases. of waste gas purification special
Shenzhen Youthwill Environmental equipment, wins the customer high
Protection Technology Co., "Yanchuanghui Environmental praise and the approval.
Ltd. pursues the innovative Protection" includes two wholly-
and pioneering concept of "one owned companies, Yanju The three carriages of "Yan Chuang
hundred industries should promote Environmental Protection Hui Environmental Protection" and
environmental protection first". Materials (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and "Yan Feng Environmental Protection
The company devotes itself to Yanfeng Environmental Protection Equipment" lay a solid foundation
waste water, waste gas and noise Equipment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. for "Yan Chuang Hui Environmental
treatment projects and equipment Among them, "Yanju Environmental Protection" to pursue excellence and
of the research, design, manufacture Protection Materials specializes in build a first-class brand in the field of
and installation and provides overall the research and development and industrial waste gas purification and
environmental protection solutions production of waste gas and waste environmental protection. "Research
and product services for industrial water purification agents, the main and innovation" is moving towards the
enterprises, reduces industrial products are used in industrial waste development goals of collectivization
pollution and improves them. Good gas purification, waste station, sludge and state-level high-tech
atmospheric environment, to create room, sewage station odor treatment environmental protection enterprises.■
"industrial environmental protection of "plant deodorizing working fluid",
guardian", to help the healthy
development of industrial enterprises, Contact: Yan Junye
to create a non-toxic, pollution- Tel: 0755-89508911 / 13424289600
free and odorless environmental Add: Building M, Xiawei Industrial Zone,
safety ecological space, to meet the Guanhu Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen
"people's yearning for a better life". Email:

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