Page 27 - The South China Business Journal
P. 27
sequently served as Deputy Assistant Secretary operating in China. I look forward to magnifying
for Asia and also Deputy Assistant Secretary for the voice of these companies and advancing their
China at the Commerce Department. strategic agendas. There is no more important
bilateral relationship in the world today, and
Evan Greenberg, Chairman and CEO of Chubb business has a critical role to play. I want to
and Chairman of the US-China Business Council, thank my predecessor, John Frisbie, for leaving a
welcomed the appointment by stating, “Craig’s solid foundation for me to build upon and I am
deep experience with China, both from an excited by the opportunity to lead this prestigious
economic and geopolitical perspective, will serve organization in the US and China.”
USCBC well to advance commercial opportunities
for US business in China. Our members will In 2017, China was the United States’ second-largest
benefit from Craig’s leadership and expertise. overseas market, worth more than $550 billion.
Craig will play an important role in articulating
US business interests to government leaders in Founded in 1973, the US-China Business Council
both the US and China.” Greenberg added, “At provides extensive China-focused advisory
the same time, I would like to thank John Frisbie services, public policy advocacy, business
for his fourteen years of service as President of information, and program events to more than 200
USCBC. John successfully led USCBC through a American corporations.■
very dynamic period in US-China relations and has
made a difference.” The US-China Business Council (USCBC) is a private,
nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of roughly 200 American
Craig Allen welcomed the opportunity of companies that do business with China. For over four and a half
leading the nation’s top China-focused business decades, USCBC has provided unmatched information, advisory,
association during this challenging period. He advocacy, and program services to its membership. Through
commented, “The US-China Business Council’s its offices in Washington, DC; Beijing; and Shanghai, USCBC is
role serving its members and directly engaging uniquely positioned to serve its members' interests in the United
on policy issues is more important than ever. States and China. Follow activities on its website: https://www.
USCBC is comprised of leading American firms

USCBC Suggestions solutions to resolve the issues. Those would be
on China Tariffs Actions a solid starting place to look for measurable,
commercially-meaningful changes that would
Following White House announcement of China benefit the American economy.”
tariffs that will go into effect on July 6, US-China
Business Council (USCBC) President John Frisbie issued Examples of solutions, which USCBC detailed in
the following statement: its 301 testimony:

“We urge both governments to sit down and negotiate • China should adopt a tougher deterrent against
a solution to these important issues. American counterfeiting and IP theft in the form of criminal
companies want solutions, not sanctions. Tariffs will not penalties in cases of commercial scale.
solve these problems, but will harm American economic
interests and jobs. • China should eliminate joint venture and business
licensing requirements that can be used to mandate
“Rather than inflicting damage on ourselves, we technology transfers to gain market access.
should be seeking ways to address the problems with
China. USCBC’s testimony throughout the Section 301 “Pursuing pragmatic outcomes in coordination
investigation process provided many recommended with other like-minded trading partners is a better
approach than going it alone and exposing American
workers, farmers, and companies to retaliation.”■

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