Page 6 - SCBJ-201611
P. 6
NA BRIEFING South China Business Journal
China Implements New Unified Work
Permit Pilot Scheme
On September 9, 2016, the State Administration of Photo from
Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) made an announcement
that the existing Foreign Expert Permit and Alien Employment Under the current system, it is sometimes unclear which
License will be merged into a single permit. The new permit will permit candidates should apply for. The application system
introduce a tiered classification system for foreign workers as is also largely paper-based and highly bureaucratic, resulting
well as a streamlined online application and tracking system in in months-long turnaround times. Full details on the current
order to attract more high-level foreign talent. application procedure can be seen here. To avoid deterring
high-quality foreign candidates from working legally in China
Before the new foreign work permit is rolled out nationwide with these issues, the government has prioritized streamlining
on April 1, 2017, the government will test the system by the foreign employment system from the application process to
implementing a pilot scheme in select regions starting on the permits themselves.
October 1, 2016. Foreign workers in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin,
Anhui, Guangdong, Hebei, Shandong, Sichuan, Ningxia, and New System
potentially other regions will be included in the pilot program.
Under the new system, there will be one single work permit
Current System document, which will likely take the form of an ID card. Each
applicant will be assigned a unique ID number that does not
China’s current foreign employment system includes two change, regardless of permit renewal or change of employer.
foreign work permits: the Alien Employment Permit (Z-visa) The Chinese government aims to optimize service quality and
and the Foreign Expert Permit (R-visa). While the Alien efficiency in managing these new foreign work permits.
Employment Permit is issued for general employment, the
Foreign Expert Permit is issued to “high-level” talent or Application Procedure
candidates whose skills are urgently needed in China’s labor
market. The two permits are issued by different government Instead of submitting paper applications, an online application
entities, with Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security system will be implemented and documentation requirements
managing the Alien Employment License and the SAFEA will be reduced by nearly 50%, with submissions like personal
controlling the Foreign Expert Permit. CVs and application letters no longer required.
China Implements New Unified Work
Permit Pilot Scheme
On September 9, 2016, the State Administration of Photo from
Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) made an announcement
that the existing Foreign Expert Permit and Alien Employment Under the current system, it is sometimes unclear which
License will be merged into a single permit. The new permit will permit candidates should apply for. The application system
introduce a tiered classification system for foreign workers as is also largely paper-based and highly bureaucratic, resulting
well as a streamlined online application and tracking system in in months-long turnaround times. Full details on the current
order to attract more high-level foreign talent. application procedure can be seen here. To avoid deterring
high-quality foreign candidates from working legally in China
Before the new foreign work permit is rolled out nationwide with these issues, the government has prioritized streamlining
on April 1, 2017, the government will test the system by the foreign employment system from the application process to
implementing a pilot scheme in select regions starting on the permits themselves.
October 1, 2016. Foreign workers in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin,
Anhui, Guangdong, Hebei, Shandong, Sichuan, Ningxia, and New System
potentially other regions will be included in the pilot program.
Under the new system, there will be one single work permit
Current System document, which will likely take the form of an ID card. Each
applicant will be assigned a unique ID number that does not
China’s current foreign employment system includes two change, regardless of permit renewal or change of employer.
foreign work permits: the Alien Employment Permit (Z-visa) The Chinese government aims to optimize service quality and
and the Foreign Expert Permit (R-visa). While the Alien efficiency in managing these new foreign work permits.
Employment Permit is issued for general employment, the
Foreign Expert Permit is issued to “high-level” talent or Application Procedure
candidates whose skills are urgently needed in China’s labor
market. The two permits are issued by different government Instead of submitting paper applications, an online application
entities, with Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security system will be implemented and documentation requirements
managing the Alien Employment License and the SAFEA will be reduced by nearly 50%, with submissions like personal
controlling the Foreign Expert Permit. CVs and application letters no longer required.