Page 33 - SCBJ-201611
P. 33
November 2016

Wanguo Outlets Continental Automotive Holding Co., Ltd. WHAT’S IN
万国奥特莱斯 大陆汽车投资(上海)有限公司

Wanguo Outlets is a comprehensive shopping mall of many Continental develops intelligent technologies for transporting
international sports brands. We are devoted to promote the people and their goods. As a reliable partner, the international
direct-sale mode of international brands in China with most automotive supplier, tire manufacturer, and industrial partner
favorable price. provides sustainable, safe, comfortable, individual, and
万国奥特莱斯是由众多国际运动品牌旗舰店为主力的大型 affordable solutions.
购物中心。致力于推动国际品牌在中国的直营化,大幅降 大陆集团致力于为人员交通和货物运输发展智能科技。
低在中国市场的售价。 作为可靠的国际性汽车零部件供应商、轮胎制造商及工业
Contact person: Vivi Huang 领域合作伙伴,大陆集团提供可持续、安全、舒适、个人
Add: No. 40, Qianjin Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou 及经济适用的解决方案。
Tel: 020- 84444200 Contact person: Zhang Qi
Fax: 020-84230922 Add: No. 538 Dalian Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai
E-mail: 地址:上海市杨浦区大连路538号
Website: Tel: 021-60804727
Fax: 021-60803650

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