Page 24 - SCBJ-201611
P. 24
South China Business Journal


New Baoding, Jingji Gate of Baoding

Broad Future

With a geographical area of 22,000km² and a The first batch of national industrial base was established in
population of 11,930,000, Baoding governs 24 counties, Baoding during the first five-year plan period of new China.
county level cities or districts, one National Hi-Tech Industrial In recent years, complete modern industrial system has
Development Zone and Baigou New Area. Its urban area is been formed by developing low carbon industry. A number
2,531 km² with a population of 2,806,000. By virtue of various of industry leading enterprises, such as Great Wall Auto,
historic and cultural resources, plentiful natural landscapes, Yingli Solar Energy, Orient-shunda Energy-saving Doors and
and modern industrial foundations, Baoding enjoys titles of Windows, Juli Sling, have emerged out. At present, Baoding
“Famous Chinese Historical and Cultural Cities”, “the Chinese is advancing a "5 + 2 + 5" industry layout, which combines
Outstanding Tourism City”, “China Low-carbon City” and the auto and auto parts, new energy and energy equipment
first “National Innovation Driven Development Demonstration manufacturing, textile and garment, food, and building
City”. Baoding is an important nodal city in Beijing Economic materials as the five key industries, aerospace and new
Circle. materials, biological medicine as the two emerging industries,
and modern agriculture, modern service industry, tourism,
Located in the core region formed by Beijing, Tianjin and culture and sports, energy conservation and environmental
Hebei Province, it is 130 kilometers to travel from the protection as the five superior industries. Baoding has been
downtown of Baoding to Beijing, Tianjin, and Shijiazhuang successively awarded the title of “National Renewable Energy
respectively. In recent years, by improved modern Industrialization Base”, “National Automobile and Parts
transportation systems that is expressway networks over Export Base”. It is also one of the first batch of pilot cities
thousand kilometers, the high-speed railway that connects nationwide to develop low carbon projects.
Beijing and Guangzhou and intercity railroad that joins
Baoding with Tianjin, Baoding is closer to Beijing Capital By implementing the three major strategies of “Innovation
Airport, Tianjin Airport, Shijiazhuang Airport, and Tianjin & driven, industry gathering, Industrial and urban development
Huanghua Seaports. The three-dimensional transportation integration”, Baoding has achieved dislocation development
network has been established, which enables the travel to in the fierce competition. With the construction of science
Beijing and the seaport within 30 minutes and 40 minutes & technology innovation platforms, such as Baiyangdian
respectively. Science & Technology Development Park, Jinglai New
City, Gaobeidian International Innovation Park of National

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