Page 13 - SCBJ-201611
P. 13
November 2016
This comment is focused on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Ford employs 85,000 U.S. workers, up 50% over the last five
(TPP), to which both Clinton and Trump reiterated their years, according to CNBC. The company tweeted ahead of
opposition during the debate. The interesting thing is that the the presidential debate that it has invested $12 billion in U.S.
TPP passes Clinton’s three-part test with flying colors. plants in the past five years alone. That doesn’t sound like
The TPP would boost U.S. annual real income by $131 billion leaving.
by 2030, according to an analysis conducted by the nonpartisan
Peterson Institute for International Economics. Hillary Clinton: “I’m going to have a special prosecutor. We’re
going to enforce the trade deals we have, and we’re going to
This isn’t small change. It’s larger than the annual economic hold people accountable.”
output of approximately 130 countries. It’s more than the
annual economic output of 17 states. There’s no disagreement about the importance of enforcing
trade agreements. The agreements we sign aren’t worth the
The Peterson Institute also expects around 650,000 more paper they’re written on if they aren’t enforced. The Chamber
people to work in export-related jobs (and fewer in lower- has applauded vigorous enforcement again and again.
wage jobs) because of the TPP. Such a gradual shift in the mix
of jobs will help raise wages: Manufacturing workers whose But this commonly expressed sentiment is a bit like the old
jobs depend on exports earn 18% more on average than those saw about the critic who finds a restaurant’s food terrible … but
that don’t, and trade-oriented service industries pay a similar goes on to complain that the portions are too small.
Before we can enforce trade agreements, we have to enter
And national security? Just ask the eight former Secretaries into trade agreements. However, most of our trade pacts were
of Defense who recently wrote a letterstrongly backing the negotiated long before the rise of the internet and e-commerce,
TPP. They wrote: “The TPP represents a choice for the United before the U.S. economy became so dependent on intellectual
States. It is a choice between leading the world toward a future property, and before state-owned enterprises became major
that supports U.S. values and interests, or standing back and players in the global economy.
allowing others — most likely China — to write the rules of the
road for Asia in the 21st century.” Which brings us back to the TPP. It will update the rulebook
for trade. It offers landmark provisions that will protect our
In fact, Defense Secretary Ash Carter has compared the TPP to creative, innovative, and research-based industries as well as
having an extra aircraft carrier in the Asia-Pacific region. the small businesses that rely on new technologies and services
Donald Trump: “So Ford is leaving. You see that, their small car to reach the 95% of the world’s consumers living outside the
division leaving. Thousands of jobs leaving…” United States. It will foster digital commerce and introduce
rules against the self-dealing of state-owned firms.
In fact, when Ford CEO Mark Fields was asked if the company
would cut any U.S. jobs as part of its recent announcement of Before we can hold our trading partners accountable to these
plans to build a new plant in Mexico, he responded: “Absolutely rules, we have to agree to the rules themselves. This is just one
not. Zero. Not one job will be lost. Most of our investment is more reason Congress should approve the TPP.
here in the U.S. And that’s the way it will continue to be,” he
told CNBC.
A Ford spokeswoman added that “Michigan factory workers
who now build the cars that are moving to Mexico will start
building other Ford models instead.”
This comment is focused on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Ford employs 85,000 U.S. workers, up 50% over the last five
(TPP), to which both Clinton and Trump reiterated their years, according to CNBC. The company tweeted ahead of
opposition during the debate. The interesting thing is that the the presidential debate that it has invested $12 billion in U.S.
TPP passes Clinton’s three-part test with flying colors. plants in the past five years alone. That doesn’t sound like
The TPP would boost U.S. annual real income by $131 billion leaving.
by 2030, according to an analysis conducted by the nonpartisan
Peterson Institute for International Economics. Hillary Clinton: “I’m going to have a special prosecutor. We’re
going to enforce the trade deals we have, and we’re going to
This isn’t small change. It’s larger than the annual economic hold people accountable.”
output of approximately 130 countries. It’s more than the
annual economic output of 17 states. There’s no disagreement about the importance of enforcing
trade agreements. The agreements we sign aren’t worth the
The Peterson Institute also expects around 650,000 more paper they’re written on if they aren’t enforced. The Chamber
people to work in export-related jobs (and fewer in lower- has applauded vigorous enforcement again and again.
wage jobs) because of the TPP. Such a gradual shift in the mix
of jobs will help raise wages: Manufacturing workers whose But this commonly expressed sentiment is a bit like the old
jobs depend on exports earn 18% more on average than those saw about the critic who finds a restaurant’s food terrible … but
that don’t, and trade-oriented service industries pay a similar goes on to complain that the portions are too small.
Before we can enforce trade agreements, we have to enter
And national security? Just ask the eight former Secretaries into trade agreements. However, most of our trade pacts were
of Defense who recently wrote a letterstrongly backing the negotiated long before the rise of the internet and e-commerce,
TPP. They wrote: “The TPP represents a choice for the United before the U.S. economy became so dependent on intellectual
States. It is a choice between leading the world toward a future property, and before state-owned enterprises became major
that supports U.S. values and interests, or standing back and players in the global economy.
allowing others — most likely China — to write the rules of the
road for Asia in the 21st century.” Which brings us back to the TPP. It will update the rulebook
for trade. It offers landmark provisions that will protect our
In fact, Defense Secretary Ash Carter has compared the TPP to creative, innovative, and research-based industries as well as
having an extra aircraft carrier in the Asia-Pacific region. the small businesses that rely on new technologies and services
Donald Trump: “So Ford is leaving. You see that, their small car to reach the 95% of the world’s consumers living outside the
division leaving. Thousands of jobs leaving…” United States. It will foster digital commerce and introduce
rules against the self-dealing of state-owned firms.
In fact, when Ford CEO Mark Fields was asked if the company
would cut any U.S. jobs as part of its recent announcement of Before we can hold our trading partners accountable to these
plans to build a new plant in Mexico, he responded: “Absolutely rules, we have to agree to the rules themselves. This is just one
not. Zero. Not one job will be lost. Most of our investment is more reason Congress should approve the TPP.
here in the U.S. And that’s the way it will continue to be,” he
told CNBC.
A Ford spokeswoman added that “Michigan factory workers
who now build the cars that are moving to Mexico will start
building other Ford models instead.”