Page 28 - SCBJ-201604
P. 28
South China Business Journal

And the Historic Heritage Preservation
of South China

SINCE 2014, AMERICAN Chamber
of Commerce in South China has
sponsored historic heritage preservation
and has engaged in a partnership with
the “Historic Heritage Preservation
International Conference South China
(HHPCSC)”. Members involved include
Guangzhou Garden Hotel, Hangji
Industries, Ramada Plaza Shunde and
Guangzhou 16 Area Wine Co., Ltd.

Amcham South China President Harley China. Its objective is to
Seyedin indicated during HHPCSC that:
“One of the primary missions of the unite people and calls for
American chamber of Commerce in south
china is to work with member companies promotional common
to ensure that they become the best
citizens of the community and to give back knowledge and responsibility
to the community in a very responsible
way. This is achieved by being involved in for preservation of historic
charity and by contributing to charitable
events that help the society as whole, heritage. Meanwhile, it also
as well as, being heavily involved in our
community’s culture, and assistance in reminds people that, the
the preservation of the cultural heritage of
south china.” future of the historical sites

The ONE TOUCH Workshop is an will be tomorrow’s resources
event which served to raise finances for
preservation during HHPCSC. It works for developments, therefore.
by engaging heritage program managers,
professional experts and business people. AmCham South China President Dr. Harley Seyedin
It also involves face to face meetings and
consultation and looking for possible (L) and Ronggui Chamber of Commerce President The more than 100
partnerships that benefit the process. The
goal is demonstrated the business value of Suen Chihang international organizations
heritage preservation through investments
by businesses within or near heritage sites involved in HHPC include
and making the sites accessible to the
public. from participants and the media. A total of World Heritage Institute of Training

The launch of The ONE TOUCH 52 collaboration projects were showcased and Research for the Asia and Pacific
Workshop at HHPCSC drew great interest
and 6 of them attracted sponsorship Region (WHITRAP) under the auspices

making it possible for them to be further of UNESCO, China Intercontinental

promoted in 2016. Communication Center, Development

and Reform Commission of Guangdong

The participants in the ONE TOUCH Province, and Urban Analyst of Edinburgh

Workshop included government officials, World’s Heritage UK (EWH).

architects and its planning managers,

charity foundations, publications, film The next HHPCSC will take place in

distributors, and crowd-funding websites. Macau

HHPCSC official site:

HHPCSC has been a non-governmental

and not for profit organization. So far,

it has developed an unique identity in

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