Page 13 - SCBJ-201603
P. 13
March 2016
“In the long run, discriminatory policies that impede photo from www.
the use of the most efficient products from the most
cost-effective producers provide neither economic “Unless the Wassenaar Arrangement’s approach to controlling
nor environmental benefits. We applaud the Office ‘intrusion software’ and associated research, development, and
of the U.S. Trade Representative for its efforts in information sharing are addressed, multinational companies
this matter.” with cybersecurity teams spread across multiple countries
that are members of the Wassenaar Arrangement will find
11 Finance Committee to themselves unable to test their own networks, share mission-
Examine Trade Agreement critical technical information, or deploy the most advanced
Implementation cybersecurity technologies in a timely and useful manner
without first obtaining multiple export licenses. The impact
On March 3, the Senate Finance Committee will would also be felt by small- and medium-sized enterprises
hold a hearing to examine implementation of whose cybersecurity needs are often filled by vendors that
current and existing free trade agreements (FTAs) also depend upon the free exchange of threat indicators and
entitled “Free Trade Agreement Implementation; vulnerability information.”
Lessons from the Past.” Senator Hatch stated: “In
approving TPA, Congress recognized the importance
of ensuring our trading partners meet the terms of
our international trade agreements. This hearing will
give members the opportunity to examine the degree
to which our trade agreement partners have met
their existing obligations and look at ways to improve
the implementation of future free trade agreements
considered under this important trade tool.” The
hearing will be held March 3 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in room
215 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building.
12 Business Groups to Kerry:
Renegotiate Cyber Controls
The Chamber joined with 12 other business organizations
to send a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary
of Commerce Penny Pritzker, and Secretary of Homeland
Security Jeh Johnson stating that the cybersecurity work
of many industries would be negatively affected by the
implementation of the Wassenaar Arrangement. The letter
urges the Secretaries to instead pursue renegotiation of the
2013 Plenary provisions in order to “avoid interference with
global cybersecurity efforts.”
“In the long run, discriminatory policies that impede photo from www.
the use of the most efficient products from the most
cost-effective producers provide neither economic “Unless the Wassenaar Arrangement’s approach to controlling
nor environmental benefits. We applaud the Office ‘intrusion software’ and associated research, development, and
of the U.S. Trade Representative for its efforts in information sharing are addressed, multinational companies
this matter.” with cybersecurity teams spread across multiple countries
that are members of the Wassenaar Arrangement will find
11 Finance Committee to themselves unable to test their own networks, share mission-
Examine Trade Agreement critical technical information, or deploy the most advanced
Implementation cybersecurity technologies in a timely and useful manner
without first obtaining multiple export licenses. The impact
On March 3, the Senate Finance Committee will would also be felt by small- and medium-sized enterprises
hold a hearing to examine implementation of whose cybersecurity needs are often filled by vendors that
current and existing free trade agreements (FTAs) also depend upon the free exchange of threat indicators and
entitled “Free Trade Agreement Implementation; vulnerability information.”
Lessons from the Past.” Senator Hatch stated: “In
approving TPA, Congress recognized the importance
of ensuring our trading partners meet the terms of
our international trade agreements. This hearing will
give members the opportunity to examine the degree
to which our trade agreement partners have met
their existing obligations and look at ways to improve
the implementation of future free trade agreements
considered under this important trade tool.” The
hearing will be held March 3 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in room
215 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building.
12 Business Groups to Kerry:
Renegotiate Cyber Controls
The Chamber joined with 12 other business organizations
to send a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary
of Commerce Penny Pritzker, and Secretary of Homeland
Security Jeh Johnson stating that the cybersecurity work
of many industries would be negatively affected by the
implementation of the Wassenaar Arrangement. The letter
urges the Secretaries to instead pursue renegotiation of the
2013 Plenary provisions in order to “avoid interference with
global cybersecurity efforts.”