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Y FOCUS South China Business Journal

Discover Shunde:
China (Guangdong) International
“Internet Plus” Exposition


The 1st China (Guangdong) International
“Internet Plus” Exposition was held in
Sino-European Center, Foshan New City
from September 10th to 12th, 2015.

Sino-European Services Center

What is “Internet Plus”?

“Internet Plus” is the process of internet technology, billion Yuan, ranking No.5 among large and middle
which is represented by cloud computing, big data cities. Foshan has all-rounded industrial system,
and new generation communication network, covering almost all the manufacturing industries
being applied and integrated in the economic, and forming 10 dominant industries including
society and our lives. “Internet Plus” is exerting a household appliances, machinery and equipment,
profound influence on the global economic and metal material processing and producing, ceramic
society, boosting the emergence of the 3rd industrial building materials, textile and garment, electronic
revolution. communication, food and beverage, chemical and
medicine and furniture. Large numbers of Foshan
Foshan is an important manufacturing base in traditional manufacturing industries have strong
Guangdong. It created a GDP of more than 760 competitiveness in China even in the worldwide,
billion Yuan in 2014, taking the second place among having great demand for the “Internet Plus” as well
the prefecture-level cities; and the industrial output as firm foundation for breakthrough in “Internet+
value of designed size enterprises reached 1881 Intelligent Manufacturing”.

Foshan New City

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