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P. 25
October 2015


American International School of Guangzhou
For the American International School of Guangzhou,
the decision to adopt the Ram as their mascot in honor of P. Carmody, believes these same qualities are exemplified in
all facets of AISG life and implicit in its mission. “A school’s

its host city was an easy one. During the Zhou Dynasty (1046BC - Mission Statement aims to describe the school’s fundamental

771BC), the city now referred to as Guangzhou was a barren land purpose and is a public declaration of the school’s commitments.

with its people suffering under incredible famine. According to However, even the most powerfully worded school Mission

ancient Chinese mythology, five immortals in five-color robes Statements must move beyond words on a wall plaque and
came to the town, each riding a ram that held six stalks of rice in transcend to a deep-seated belief that is tangible in all facets of

its mouth. The immortals gave the stalks to the people of the city a school.”

and expressed their good wish for no shortage of food. The five

immortals left, while the five rams on which the immortals rode Since joining the school in 2014, Dr. Carmody, has championed

on, turned to stone. From that day onwards, as legend tells it, the the school’s Mission in “Nurturing students to aspire and
city flourished into a beautiful and prosperous land and soon, achieve” as well as advancing the value and importance of using

Guangzhou became known as the “City of Rams.” data to inform best practice in order to support students to

achieve their academic and other developmental needs. “Our

There is sometimes a lack of consensus around the interpretation current research-based understandings about learning drive our

of the symbol of the Chinese Zodiac sign for this year. Depending programs and practices to ensure that students are equipped

on who you speak to, you may be presented with a number of to reach their fullest potentials.” To this end, AISG enlisted

different opinions. To some, the symbol of 羊 is interpreted as a the services of Georgeann Taylor last year to gather data from
goat, typically associated with headstrong, somewhat stubborn, the school community. “The initial goal of the survey was to

characteristics. For others, there is preference for 2015 being ensure we were in touch with the needs of our AISG families.

known as the Year of the Sheep. While the novelty of identifying The data gathered gave us some incredibly valuable insight into

with a cute and cuddly fluffy animal is too much to resist for how we, as a school, currently meet the needs of all learners

some, others view the sheep as docile, weak and more indicative both academically and socially,” said Dr. Carmody. While some
of a follower rather than a strong leader. While uncertainty schools still suffer from being perceived as rigid institutions

around how to interpret the symbol continues, for those at the where importance is placed on simply churning out students as
American International School of Guangzhou, AISG, there is no mere cookie-cutter type products of their schooling, Dr. Carmody

confusion. It is wholeheartedly, unequivocally, enthusiastically, views AISG as challenging the traditional schooling norms that

the Year of the Ram. others are so often bound to. “We strive to nurture the academic

and emotional intelligence of our students, encouraging each

The ram has long been held as a symbol for determination, to embrace their own personal potentials and celebrating
action, initiative and leadership. AISG Director, Dr. Bernadette personal successes.” AISG actively promotes happiness as a very

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