Page 34 - SCBJ-201509
P. 34
Y FOCUS South China Business Journal
Foshan — the new pearl of South China
IS FOSHAN THE new pearl of South China? 6 facts that confirm so.
When investing in China, the site selection stage tends to be difficult. No matter if your company is big or small, a new player in Chinese
the market or a long-established one, there are thousands of Chinese cities, districts and development zones that will struggle to persuade
you to set up your project within their limits. Throughout the process, however, it is necessary to keep in mind that selecting the right
location might be the difference between success and failure. But how can you make sure that you are picking the right place? How do
you avoid letting the bias of local investment promotion agencies sway your judgment? You need to turn to objective facts.
And when one turns to objective facts about Foshan, one realizes that the city has developed a set of unique characteristics that are not
generally found in other Mainland cities. Let’s have a look at just 6 of them:
1. A sound investment climate grounded 4. Home to Chinese “Global Champions”.
in the rule of law.
Chinese enterprises will be one of the major transformative
China’s latest political events have reaffirmed the essentiality of forces of the global economy in the years to come and Foshan
rule of law for the country’s healthy development. In that sense, is home to some of the most successful ones. Midea, China’s
Foshan has already gained a lot of attention from international leading home appliances manufacturer, Haitian, the world’s
media and think tanks for its mature, investor-focused business largest flavoring company or Country Garden, one of the most
climate. For example, Forbes ranked Foshan among the top renowned real estate developers of Asia, are only three examples.
15 cities to do business in China and the Fung Global Institute
described it as the city that “best represents China’s emerging 5. A manufacturing powerhouse.
economic frontier.”
The Guangdong provincial government made a strategic
2. A strong local market. decision to build an industrial belt for advanced equipment
manufacturing in the western region of the Pearl River. Under
Foshan GDP per capita is higher than Shanghai’s and even this industrial development plan, intelligent manufacturing,
some European Union members. Not only does the city have a new energy equipment and vehicle manufacturing, as well as
population of nearly 8 million, but also this population has the industrial services, will be given priority. Foshan is also at the
purchasing power to match European and American consumers. epicenter of the robotics revolution.
Also, Foshan is located in Guangdong, China’s economic
powerhouse. From Foshan you can reach over 60 million 6. Cultural heritage.
customers in less than two hours.
Liu Yuelen, Foshan’s top leader, recently said: “Foshan is paving
3. A modern economy powered by its own path”. Indeed, leading the way is inherent to Foshan’s
the private sector. tradition. In Ancient China, Foshan was one of the 4 key
commercial cities, together with Beijing, Hankou and Suzhou.
There are almost 400 thousand private companies in Foshan. As Foshan people still conserve the entrepreneurial spirit and
The Economist highlighted recently, that makes an average of passion for innovating that historically positioned the city as an
approximately one every twenty residents. outstanding place to do business and thrive.
Please contact us: “South China is still a hidden gem. And Foshan the right
International Department, Foshan Investment place to find it.
Promotion Agency
Nicolas Santo Abbey Heffer
Manager Assistant Manager
(86 757) 83280559 (86 757) 83280559
Foshan — the new pearl of South China
IS FOSHAN THE new pearl of South China? 6 facts that confirm so.
When investing in China, the site selection stage tends to be difficult. No matter if your company is big or small, a new player in Chinese
the market or a long-established one, there are thousands of Chinese cities, districts and development zones that will struggle to persuade
you to set up your project within their limits. Throughout the process, however, it is necessary to keep in mind that selecting the right
location might be the difference between success and failure. But how can you make sure that you are picking the right place? How do
you avoid letting the bias of local investment promotion agencies sway your judgment? You need to turn to objective facts.
And when one turns to objective facts about Foshan, one realizes that the city has developed a set of unique characteristics that are not
generally found in other Mainland cities. Let’s have a look at just 6 of them:
1. A sound investment climate grounded 4. Home to Chinese “Global Champions”.
in the rule of law.
Chinese enterprises will be one of the major transformative
China’s latest political events have reaffirmed the essentiality of forces of the global economy in the years to come and Foshan
rule of law for the country’s healthy development. In that sense, is home to some of the most successful ones. Midea, China’s
Foshan has already gained a lot of attention from international leading home appliances manufacturer, Haitian, the world’s
media and think tanks for its mature, investor-focused business largest flavoring company or Country Garden, one of the most
climate. For example, Forbes ranked Foshan among the top renowned real estate developers of Asia, are only three examples.
15 cities to do business in China and the Fung Global Institute
described it as the city that “best represents China’s emerging 5. A manufacturing powerhouse.
economic frontier.”
The Guangdong provincial government made a strategic
2. A strong local market. decision to build an industrial belt for advanced equipment
manufacturing in the western region of the Pearl River. Under
Foshan GDP per capita is higher than Shanghai’s and even this industrial development plan, intelligent manufacturing,
some European Union members. Not only does the city have a new energy equipment and vehicle manufacturing, as well as
population of nearly 8 million, but also this population has the industrial services, will be given priority. Foshan is also at the
purchasing power to match European and American consumers. epicenter of the robotics revolution.
Also, Foshan is located in Guangdong, China’s economic
powerhouse. From Foshan you can reach over 60 million 6. Cultural heritage.
customers in less than two hours.
Liu Yuelen, Foshan’s top leader, recently said: “Foshan is paving
3. A modern economy powered by its own path”. Indeed, leading the way is inherent to Foshan’s
the private sector. tradition. In Ancient China, Foshan was one of the 4 key
commercial cities, together with Beijing, Hankou and Suzhou.
There are almost 400 thousand private companies in Foshan. As Foshan people still conserve the entrepreneurial spirit and
The Economist highlighted recently, that makes an average of passion for innovating that historically positioned the city as an
approximately one every twenty residents. outstanding place to do business and thrive.
Please contact us: “South China is still a hidden gem. And Foshan the right
International Department, Foshan Investment place to find it.
Promotion Agency
Nicolas Santo Abbey Heffer
Manager Assistant Manager
(86 757) 83280559 (86 757) 83280559