Page 368 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 368
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

- The sustainable development of - By 2025, the export value of high-tech
Guangdong will enter a new stage. Future products will account for more than 35% of the
allocation of manufacturing energy resources will province's overall export trade, and the FDI inflows in
be more rational, and the utilization efficiency will manufacturing will account for more than 20% of the
be steadily improved, and the carbon emission province's FDI inflows. The proportion of outbound
and total emissions of major pollutants will be direct investment in manufacturing will be more than
further reduced. 10% of the province's outbound direct investment.

Fig 7 Guangdong will accelerate development of the major and emerging sectors

Source: Government site of Guangdong, EY analysis

The Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan initially built up a center of science and technology
(2021-2025) for Guangdong Technology innovation with global influence.
and Innovation Development13
Main objectives:
Technology innovation is the core of
modernization for Guangdong, on 22 September - The overall innovation capability will be
2021, the government of Guangdong released a significantly improved, with innovation capability
strategic plan for technology innovation for the continuing to be the first in the country. The
next coming five years. Specifically: average annual growth of R&D expenditure will
reach 10%, and account for 3.5% of GDP. The
Overall requirements: construction of the national science center in the
GBA is basically completed.
In 2025, Guangdong's overall capacity of science
and technology innovation will be significantly - The original innovation capability is
enhanced and will continue to accelerate the significantly enhanced. The proportion of R&D
formation of an innovation-driven economic system expenditure in basic research will reach 10%;
and development model, with major innovation the number of high-value invention patents per
indicators reaching international advanced levels, 10,000 persons will reach 20, and the cumulative
and to solidify the country's leading position in number of overseas authorized invention patents
science and technology innovation. The GBA will be will reach 80,000.

13 Government site of Guangdong, http://www. - The science and technology innovation system will be increasingly improved. There are

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