Page 372 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 372
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
International Logistics Center was completed and 2) Creating a youth entrepreneurship and
put into operation in 2021. The port's container employment co-operation platform
throughput reached 17.66 million twenty-foot
equivalent units (TEUs), its cargo throughput was 3) Jointly developing a high-standard gateway
355 million metric tons, and 21 new foreign trade for opening-up to the world
routes were opened16.
4) Becoming a center of excellence for
In the 14th Five-Year Plan, the Nansha area will facilitating the alignment of rules and regulations
focus on:
5) Setting up high-quality urban development
1. Continuously enhance the role of benchmarks for developing Nansha as the
international shipping and trade hubs powerhouse promoting Hong Kong and Macau’s
integration with the country’s development
2. Deepen the integration and development
of strategic emerging industries and modern The Nansha Plan has also drawn up phased
service industries goals for the Nansha development. The year 2025
will see the initial formation of a local innovation
3. Support on building a national science and industrial transfer system and a business
center, a special zone for international talent, environment that operates as an international
a demonstration zone for global trade and a market following the rule of law, while a green
cooperation zone for the GBA intelligent energy-saving and low-carbon operation
model will be implemented. Coupled with the
4. An opening-up gateway to the world17 optimization of its education, health care and other
public resources, Nansha aims to become the new
In January 2022, Nansha launched a pilot project preferred home and workplace for young people in
of high-level opening-up of cross-border trade and Hong Kong and Macau. The next goal is to establish
investment. By the end of July, 2,359 pilot businesses a mature regional innovation and industrial
had been handled by various market entities, with transfer system and first-class international
a transaction amount of US5.1 billion18. business environment by 2035, which will allow
Nansha to play a leading role in supporting the
In June 2022, the Overall Plan for Guangzhou GBA’s participation in international co-operation
Nansha to Deepen Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau and competition while serving as an important
Comprehensive Cooperation (“Nansha Plan”)19 platform for comprehensive co-operation between
with a global perspective was also released, which Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.
is a highly ambitious blueprint for consolidating
Hong Kong, Macau and cities on the mainland into Qianhai and Shekou Areas of Shenzhen
the GBA.
On 27 April 2015, the Qianhai and Shekou areas
Five key development directions in the Nansha Plan: of Shenzhen were officially established. Qianhai
and Shekou’s total area is 28.2km2, of which 15km2
1) Speeding up the establishment of a (including 3.7km2 of the Qianhai Bay Bonded Port
technology innovation industry co-operation base Area) are occupied by Qianhai District and 13.2km2
are occupied by Shekou District.
16 Nansha by China Daily, http://sub- The Qianhai and Shekou areas contain three
sha/2021-08/25/c_284669.htm functional zones, with different industrial forms
17 Government site of Guangdong, http://www. emphasize different aspects:
html - The Qianhai Financial Business Zone: Mainly
18 Chinanews, undertakes the function of trade in services by: (i)
com/s?id=1741485775007816743&wfr=spider&for=pc prioritizing finance, information services, scientific
19 The State Council,
International Logistics Center was completed and 2) Creating a youth entrepreneurship and
put into operation in 2021. The port's container employment co-operation platform
throughput reached 17.66 million twenty-foot
equivalent units (TEUs), its cargo throughput was 3) Jointly developing a high-standard gateway
355 million metric tons, and 21 new foreign trade for opening-up to the world
routes were opened16.
4) Becoming a center of excellence for
In the 14th Five-Year Plan, the Nansha area will facilitating the alignment of rules and regulations
focus on:
5) Setting up high-quality urban development
1. Continuously enhance the role of benchmarks for developing Nansha as the
international shipping and trade hubs powerhouse promoting Hong Kong and Macau’s
integration with the country’s development
2. Deepen the integration and development
of strategic emerging industries and modern The Nansha Plan has also drawn up phased
service industries goals for the Nansha development. The year 2025
will see the initial formation of a local innovation
3. Support on building a national science and industrial transfer system and a business
center, a special zone for international talent, environment that operates as an international
a demonstration zone for global trade and a market following the rule of law, while a green
cooperation zone for the GBA intelligent energy-saving and low-carbon operation
model will be implemented. Coupled with the
4. An opening-up gateway to the world17 optimization of its education, health care and other
public resources, Nansha aims to become the new
In January 2022, Nansha launched a pilot project preferred home and workplace for young people in
of high-level opening-up of cross-border trade and Hong Kong and Macau. The next goal is to establish
investment. By the end of July, 2,359 pilot businesses a mature regional innovation and industrial
had been handled by various market entities, with transfer system and first-class international
a transaction amount of US5.1 billion18. business environment by 2035, which will allow
Nansha to play a leading role in supporting the
In June 2022, the Overall Plan for Guangzhou GBA’s participation in international co-operation
Nansha to Deepen Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau and competition while serving as an important
Comprehensive Cooperation (“Nansha Plan”)19 platform for comprehensive co-operation between
with a global perspective was also released, which Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.
is a highly ambitious blueprint for consolidating
Hong Kong, Macau and cities on the mainland into Qianhai and Shekou Areas of Shenzhen
the GBA.
On 27 April 2015, the Qianhai and Shekou areas
Five key development directions in the Nansha Plan: of Shenzhen were officially established. Qianhai
and Shekou’s total area is 28.2km2, of which 15km2
1) Speeding up the establishment of a (including 3.7km2 of the Qianhai Bay Bonded Port
technology innovation industry co-operation base Area) are occupied by Qianhai District and 13.2km2
are occupied by Shekou District.
16 Nansha by China Daily, http://sub- The Qianhai and Shekou areas contain three
sha/2021-08/25/c_284669.htm functional zones, with different industrial forms
17 Government site of Guangdong, http://www. emphasize different aspects:
html - The Qianhai Financial Business Zone: Mainly
18 Chinanews, undertakes the function of trade in services by: (i)
com/s?id=1741485775007816743&wfr=spider&for=pc prioritizing finance, information services, scientific
19 The State Council,