Page 364 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 364
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

- A unified, open, orderly competitive Strategic orientations:
market system will be well organized. Guangdong
will proactively participate in the Belt and Road - Cooperate with Hong Kong and Macau,
Initiative, further explore the higher-level reform through financial opening-up and interaction to
and opening-up and maintain stable and high- promote the cooperation among the GBA in terms
quality import and export trade, significantly of human resource, coordination and integrated
improve the quality of domestic and international development of the financial industry, and
investment, and enhance the level of open accelerate the establishment of an international
economic development. financial hub.

- Achieve a new leap in the balance and - Make the best utilization of the interaction
coordination of regional development. The leading of the “twin cities” Guangzhou and Shenzhen,
role of the Pearl River Delta will be fully enhanced, to create an international first-class financial
the coastal economic zone will become the main business environment. Develop FinTech, high-
area of industrial development, the northern level financial research and a well-known financial
ecological development zone will receive positive culture to enhance Guangdong's financial impact
effect of green development, and the coordination domestically and globally.
of urban and rural regional development is
significantly improved. - Take the opportunity of reforming
the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to improve the
- The construction of ecology will enter a new innovative capital chain and make the full use of the
realm, with lower energy consumption and faster construction of the Guangzhou Futures Exchange
decarbonization progress. Some areas of Guangdong to foster the futures industry chain. With the
will take the lead of achieving carbon peaking. “30•60” decarbonization target11, to speed up the
growth of green finance industry and to increase
- The public service system and the cultural the proportion of the value-added of the financial
industry will be more developed. A multi-level social industry in GDP.
security system and health care system will be fully
constructed. With better employment, advanced - Implement “Finance +” projects, including
income distribution structure to effectuate “Finance + Trade”, “Finance + Consumption”, “Finance
synchronization of disposable income growth and + Technology”, “Finance + Manufacturing” and
economic development. “Finance + Infrastructure”. Continuously improve
the accessibility, convenience and sustainability of
- A more complete legal and regulation financial resources, as well as financial services.
system will be built, with the capacity of governance, Enhance the capacity and efficiency of financial
administrative efficiency and credibility of services to support real economy.
government are pronouncedly optimized.
Key economic targets:
The Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan
(2021-2025) for Guangdong Financial - By 2025, the domestic and foreign currency
Reform and Development10 deposit balance to reach RMB40 trillion, and loan
balance to reach RMB30 trillion, including RMB3 trillion
On 16 July 2021, the government of Guangdong manufacturing loan balance, RMB3 trillion green
announced the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan credit balance, RMB3.5 trillion inclusive loan balance,
(2021-2025) for Guangdong Financial Reform and and RMB2 trillion agriculture-related loan balance.
Development to strengthen the supervision and
operation of financial institutions. Specifically: - Build fully connected financial market in
the GBA. Guangdong will proactively enhance the
10 Government site of Guangdong, http://www. communication with international financial market. 11 “30•60”, China is committed to peak emissions
html by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060.

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