Page 260 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
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3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

China textile manufacturers and exporters are waste recycling will have been established in
eyeing growing business opportunities in Eastern the country, it said. By then, China will be able
Europe, attending one of the largest textile expos in to recycle 30% of its textile waste and produce 3
the area. Textillegprom was held in Moscow from Feb million tons of recycled fiber annually. As a key part
22 to 24, 2022, attracting 20,000-odd professionals of establishing and then improving a green, low-
from over 20 countries. and carbon and circular economic system, recycling
30-plus Chinese suppliers attended the expo to helps in resource conservation and the reduction of
promote quality Chinese goods. Growing demand pollutants and carbon emissions. Only about one-
for textiles is boosting the market considerably. fifth of the roughly 22 million tons of textile waste
In 2021, global textile garments saw a 36% rise in generated in the country in 2020 was recycled.
inquiries and comfortable and sustainable clothes China produced only 1.5 million tons of recycled
are taking a bigger share of cross-border sales fiber that year. The guideline will hopefully address
as public attitudes to beauty change, according a series of weak links in textile waste recycling.
to, a comprehensive service The document, for example, vows to introduce
platform for foreign trade. As a major importer of preferential policies to motivate companies to
Chinese textiles and apparel, Russia is important for improve product design, so that they can be
China to diversify its exports and "go global". Total more easily dismantled, classified and recycled
value of textiles imported from China amounted to after being discarded. Aside from improving the
US$4.92 billion from January 2020 to January 2021, network for collecting textile waste, the guideline
according to the Russian Federal Customs Service. also aims to address problems that hinder reuse
On-site exhibitors and over 200 vendors showed and recycling. The country will hammer out and
more than 200 thousand pieces at the cloud expo strive to improve the industrial standards and
on, increasing their exposure norms on cleaning, disinfection, epidemic control
and improving communication with buyers. To and trading of secondhand clothes. Export control
support manufacturers, of used garments will be further strengthened. The
launched a targeted assistance plan for promising guideline pledged to foster leading enterprises in
industries in late 2021. The textile industry could an endeavor to promote the use of recycled fiber
witness a global expansion thanks to the special in the textile, construction, automobile, agriculture
fund and multiple marketing channels. In the first and environmental protection sectors. Other
half of 2022, the platform plans to attend around experts stressed the environmental benefits the
30 foreign expos and a dozen in-house ones to document will bring (Liqiang).
help Chinese suppliers tap business opportunities
globally (China Daily, “China’s Textile Giants Eye Executives of Syngenta Group China, one
Opportunities in E Europe”). of the four major business units of Syngenta
Group - the global seeds, crop protection and
China, producer of half the world's textile fiber, nutrition product manufacturer, pledged to
has unveiled a guideline that aims to significantly work with more global and domestic partners to
beef up its capability to recycle textile waste, most facilitate the sustainable growth of China's cotton
of which is nonbiodegradable. Experts have lauded and textile industries in the coming years. The
the initiative for its potential role in promoting company and its partners such as Solidaridad,
low-carbon, circular economic development, a Netherlands-based international NGO, have
saying it will contribute to the country's ambitious joined forces to launch a new project to solve the
climate and pollution targets. The country aims practical issues faced in industrial development,
to recycle a quarter of its textile waste and use improve the production efficiency of cotton and
it to produce 2 million metric tons of recycled other crops, improve the income of farmers,
fiber annually by 2025, according to a document protect the ecological environment, and promote
unveiled by the National Development and Reform rural revitalization. The project will take the Hexi
Commission, the country's top economic planner, Corridor area of Gansu province as the core
and the ministries of industry and information demonstration area, relying on Syngenta Group
technology, and commerce. Five years on from China's advanced water and fertilizer integration
2025, a relatively complete system for textile technology, comprehensive crop protection

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