Page 246 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 246
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

China’s sportswear industry also saw a very founder of Bio-Everyday, reported in 2022 that they
successful year. Chinese-made sportswear is now will “begin providing probiotics (which promote
becoming very popular among the young people health when taken) that are especially suited
of China, and they are beginning to choose for Chinese consumers.” Bio-Everyday was first
these local products over international brands. marketed to female shoppers between the ages of
This trend was propelled by the 2022 Olympic 25 and 40 who were conscious about their health.
Winter Games and is now a major contributor However, in order to increase its demographic, it
to the country's economic growth. ANTA Sports began offering a set of probiotics for both children
announced in March that its revenue in 2021 and adults, including the elderly. In addition, Bio-
had hit 49.3 billion RMB, a 38.9 percent year-on- Everyday established a laboratory in partnership
year increase. According to Euromonitor, ANTA with the Wuxi Special Food, Nutrition and Health
Sports had a 16.2 percent market share of China's Institute and Jiangnan University. The lab developed
sports footwear and apparel in 2021, surpassing the first beneficial probiotic strain sanctioned for
Adidas’s 14.8 percent and coming close to Nike's use. The firm plans to persist in researching and
25.2 percent – the highest market share of all of developing new strains as well as improving the
them. The rise of these domestic brands provides technology levels in the domestic medical sector
a “rosy outlook of China’s sportswear industry in to remain competitive amid mounting rivalry (Ran).
the long term” (Xinhua).
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