Page 160 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 160
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. benefit from the nation's business opportunities,
The profession focuses on the research and he said. The country will encourage more Chinese
development of control algorithms and operating enterprises to "go global" and promote cooperation
systems for robots, as well as the use of digital with their global counterparts. Despite pressures
simulation technology (BW, Robot). from COVID-19 outbreaks and a complicated
international environment, China's robotics
China still has high potential for further growth. industry has witnessed considerable growth. In
The country's robot density in the manufacturing the first half of 2022, the total disclosed financing
industry amounts to 246 industrial robots per amount in the robotics industry amounted to
10,000 employees, thus ranking ninth worldwide over 5 billion RMB (US$733 million), mainly in key
in 2020. Ten years ago, China's robot density fields such as core parts, collaborative robots and
was only 15 units. China is the world's largest surgery robots. Looking ahead, concerted efforts
market for industrial robot industry, which is will be made to establish a standard mechanism for
known as "the crown jewel of manufacturing," international exchange and cooperation, promote
with its production reaching about 366,000 units the alignment of different policies, regulations,
in 2021. The industrial robot application covers quality standards, tests and certificates, build an
60 industrial categories of the national economy. open resource platform for global cooperation
In 2021, the density of manufacturing robots on robotics innovation and engage in the global
exceeded 300 units per 10,000 people, about governance of intellectual property rights. President
13 times more than in 2012. Service robots are Xi Jinping underscored the importance of scientific
widely used in fields such as catering, education, and technological self-reliance and innovation
medical care and logistics. Currently, there are in supporting China's sustained development. Xi
over 439,000 service robot-related enterprises called for efforts to solve the critical technological
in China. The technological level of China's robot problems hindering the nation's development and
industry has also been further improved. Progress to "take the core technologies in key fields and
has been made in the research and development equipment manufacturing into our own hands"
of core components including precision speed (Ouyang and Ma).
reducers, intelligent controllers and real-time
operating systems. A decade of transformation in Beijing Economic-Technological Development
robot industry is the epitome of China's advanced Area now has over 60 intelligent factories, in which
equipment manufacturing industry. Overcoming logistics and service robots both play a vital role.
the impact of the epidemic, chip shortages, rising The area will further improve the capacity and
raw material prices, and tight energy security, the modern development of the whole industrial
industry generally operated smoothly, benefiting chain, carrying out innovative robots and industrial
from measures aimed at ensuring stability in clusters of intelligent manufacturing. Furthermore,
investment and operations of business entities, there are more than 10 robot companies in the Sino-
as well as measures designed to promote German industrial services zone (Sanlongwan) in
consumption (Xinhua, China Focus). Foshan, South China's Guangdong province. There
are 56 robot-related upstream and downstream
China is willing to join hands with the international enterprises settled in Sanlongwan, indicating an
community to cooperate and share development increase in the impact of the robot cluster there.
opportunities in the robotics industry, and build Robots are now being developed in a direction
open, stable and safe robotics industrial and where sensitiveness, intelligence and safety are
supply chains. Xin Guobin, vice-minister of industry paramount. The technological evolution speeds
and information technology, urged efforts to up, leading to an extended application of robots.
establish stable industrial and supply chains, saying The development of the robot industry accelerates
that China will continue to encourage robotics the intelligent transformation of manufacturing
enterprises, institutions and organizations at home and many other fields in people's daily life with
and abroad to form innovation and supply chain advanced technologies. Looking ahead, China is
partnerships. China welcomes global investors to heading for an intelligent era in which the potential
invest in and grow their business in the country and of robots is limitless. China has a broad market
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. benefit from the nation's business opportunities,
The profession focuses on the research and he said. The country will encourage more Chinese
development of control algorithms and operating enterprises to "go global" and promote cooperation
systems for robots, as well as the use of digital with their global counterparts. Despite pressures
simulation technology (BW, Robot). from COVID-19 outbreaks and a complicated
international environment, China's robotics
China still has high potential for further growth. industry has witnessed considerable growth. In
The country's robot density in the manufacturing the first half of 2022, the total disclosed financing
industry amounts to 246 industrial robots per amount in the robotics industry amounted to
10,000 employees, thus ranking ninth worldwide over 5 billion RMB (US$733 million), mainly in key
in 2020. Ten years ago, China's robot density fields such as core parts, collaborative robots and
was only 15 units. China is the world's largest surgery robots. Looking ahead, concerted efforts
market for industrial robot industry, which is will be made to establish a standard mechanism for
known as "the crown jewel of manufacturing," international exchange and cooperation, promote
with its production reaching about 366,000 units the alignment of different policies, regulations,
in 2021. The industrial robot application covers quality standards, tests and certificates, build an
60 industrial categories of the national economy. open resource platform for global cooperation
In 2021, the density of manufacturing robots on robotics innovation and engage in the global
exceeded 300 units per 10,000 people, about governance of intellectual property rights. President
13 times more than in 2012. Service robots are Xi Jinping underscored the importance of scientific
widely used in fields such as catering, education, and technological self-reliance and innovation
medical care and logistics. Currently, there are in supporting China's sustained development. Xi
over 439,000 service robot-related enterprises called for efforts to solve the critical technological
in China. The technological level of China's robot problems hindering the nation's development and
industry has also been further improved. Progress to "take the core technologies in key fields and
has been made in the research and development equipment manufacturing into our own hands"
of core components including precision speed (Ouyang and Ma).
reducers, intelligent controllers and real-time
operating systems. A decade of transformation in Beijing Economic-Technological Development
robot industry is the epitome of China's advanced Area now has over 60 intelligent factories, in which
equipment manufacturing industry. Overcoming logistics and service robots both play a vital role.
the impact of the epidemic, chip shortages, rising The area will further improve the capacity and
raw material prices, and tight energy security, the modern development of the whole industrial
industry generally operated smoothly, benefiting chain, carrying out innovative robots and industrial
from measures aimed at ensuring stability in clusters of intelligent manufacturing. Furthermore,
investment and operations of business entities, there are more than 10 robot companies in the Sino-
as well as measures designed to promote German industrial services zone (Sanlongwan) in
consumption (Xinhua, China Focus). Foshan, South China's Guangdong province. There
are 56 robot-related upstream and downstream
China is willing to join hands with the international enterprises settled in Sanlongwan, indicating an
community to cooperate and share development increase in the impact of the robot cluster there.
opportunities in the robotics industry, and build Robots are now being developed in a direction
open, stable and safe robotics industrial and where sensitiveness, intelligence and safety are
supply chains. Xin Guobin, vice-minister of industry paramount. The technological evolution speeds
and information technology, urged efforts to up, leading to an extended application of robots.
establish stable industrial and supply chains, saying The development of the robot industry accelerates
that China will continue to encourage robotics the intelligent transformation of manufacturing
enterprises, institutions and organizations at home and many other fields in people's daily life with
and abroad to form innovation and supply chain advanced technologies. Looking ahead, China is
partnerships. China welcomes global investors to heading for an intelligent era in which the potential
invest in and grow their business in the country and of robots is limitless. China has a broad market