Page 68 - 2022 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 68
2 White Paper on the Business Environment in China The swift post COVID-19 reopening of
factories in the GBA showcased its reliability as
Overview of the Guang- a primary production base for companies keen
dong-Hong Kong-Macao to tap onshore China demand. And the capital
Greater Bay Area investment into Guangdong financial high-tech
zone reached RMB203.8 billion during the same
Rebounding steadily with great period, generating a new development pillar of
economic tenacity the GBA's economy10.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Major indicators of the GBA (2020)
Area (GBA) comprises nine cities of Guangdong
(namely Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Source:, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and
Zhaoqing) and two Special Administrative Regions Growing into a world-class city
(SARs) of Hong Kong and Macao. The total area cluster
is around 56,098 square kilometers (sq km), with
population of over 86 million4. Starting from the signing of the Framework
Agreement on Deepening Guangdong-Hong
By the end of 2020, the total gross domestic Kong-Macao Cooperation in the Development of
product (GDP) of the GBA reached RMB11,520.9 the Greater Bay Area11 in 2017, there have been
billion (US$1,668.8 billion), accounting for 11.3% constant policies from both national and regional
of national GDP5. Shenzhen, Zhaoqing and level that support the integration and development
Guangzhou were leading the recovery, with a of the GBA. By April 2021, employment, finance,
3.1%, 3% and 2.7% economic growth respectively6. innovation & technology were the top 3 issues in
The tertiary industry took a vital position in the the overall 231 government files related to the
economy structure, accounting for 66.2% of the construction of the area12.
total GDP. And export trade of the area reached
US$1,107.2 billion, mainly contributed by Hong The development of the GBA is one of the
Kong, Shenzhen and Dongguan7. national strategic plans and has great significance
in the country's implementation of innovation-
In 2021, the GBA has seen a steady and auspi driven development and commitment to reform
cious economic development, with core cities and opening-up. The objectives are to fully leverage
such as Guangzhou achieving 9.9% GDP growth the composite advantages of the three places,
in the first nine months, ahead of the nation, and further deepen cooperation and integration
Shenzhen also remained a sustained recovery with 10 Statistic from Guangdong financial high-
7.1% GDP growth8. Hong Kong entered a phase of tech zone,
stable development with a GDP growth of 5.4%, ward_15328894
while Macao kept its momentum with 32.9% GDP 11 National Development and Reform Commis-
growth thanks to the reopening of the border sion,
since late last year9. share/pdf/Framework_Agreement.pdf
12 National Development and Reform Com-
4 Hong Kong Trade Development Council, mission, ygadwqjs1/202104/t20210425_1277387.htm-
5 Hong Kong Trade Development Council, l?code=&state=123
6 Statistics Bureau of Shenzhen,
html, Zhaoqing,
gkmlpt/content/2/2514/post_2514910.html#4472, and
7 Hong Kong Trade Development Council,
8 Cnbayarea,
9 The Statistics and Census Service of Macao,

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