Page 192 - 2022 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 192
2 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
rounds in the pet sector had reached 22, and seven DCCC. “Pet Food Chinese Importers: China
were about functional food and nutrition products. Demands for Imported Pet Feed.” DCCC, 29 July
In 2020, the pet consumption market reached 206.5 2021,
billion RMB (US$31.84 billion), with money spent importers-2/.
mainly on food, snacks and nutrition accounting for
55.7% of the total. A climbing number of enterprises DG. “Going Bigger! Big Scale Dairy Farming a
were marching into the pet sector during the Main Trend in China.” DairyGlobal, 21 June 2021,
COVID-19 pandemic; however, the nutrition product
segment only accounts for 3 to 4% of the massive pet Going-bigger-Big-scale-dairy-farming-a-main-trend-
food consumption market, with most companies still in-China-760991E/.
in the initial stages. Traditional giant RedDog took
the lead, followed by H&H Group, Mars and Peidi. DS. “2021 China DAIRY Top 20 Summit Held
Companies on other tracks are also scrambling for a IN HEFEI.” The Dairy Site, 28 July 2021, www.
piece of the booming pet nutrition segment (Zhao).
Works Cited
Ijaz, Muawuz, et al. “Meat Production and
Abid, Ali, and Shang Jie. “Impact of COVID-19 on Supply Chain UNDER Covid-19 Scenario: Current
AGRICULTURAL Food: A Strengths, Weaknesses, Trends and Future Prospects.” Frontiers, Frontiers,
Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) ANALYSIS.” Wiley 1 Jan. 1AD,
Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 10 June 2021, fvets.2021.660736/full.
McGregor, Grady. “China Is Getting ITS Pig
Bai, Zhaohai, et al. “China's Livestock Transition: Epidemic under Control, but It's Not out of the
Driving Forces, Impacts, and Consequences.” Woods Yet.” Fortune, Fortune, 3 July 2021, fortune.
Science Advances, American Association for the com/2021/07/03/african-swine-fever-epidemic-
Advancement of Science, 1 July 2018, advances. china-pig-recovery/.
Mordor intelligence. “China Pet Food Market
Berkhout, Natalie. “China Prepares for a Trends & Share: Industry Analysis REPORT 2021
Productive Year in Poultry.” PoultryWorld, 13 Aug. to 2026 .” China Pet Food Market Trends & Share|
2021, Industry Analysis Report 2021 to 2026 – Mordor
China-prepares-for-a-productive-year-in-poultry- Intelligence, 2021,
779286E/. industry-reports/china-pet-food-market.
Blazyte, Agne. “Topic: Meat Industry in China.” Neo, Pearly. “China's Dairy Boom: Yili PEGS
Statista, 6 June 2020, POST-COVID-19 Health Demands and Tech as Key
meat-industry-in-china/. to Consumption BOOST – Exclusive Interview.”
Foodnavigator, William Reed Business Media
Chen, Meiling. “Plant-Based Milk Spawns Niche Ltd., 2 Nov. 2020,
Market in China.”, 14 Dec. post-COVID-19-health-demands-and-tech-as-key-
2020, source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS&utm_
Ning, Yang. “EGG Production in CHINA: Current
CS. “China Is World's Largest Imported Beef Status and Outlook.” Frontiers of Agricultural
Market in 2021.” The Cattle Site, 29 June 2021, www. Science and Engineering, Higher Education Press, 15 Mar. 2021,
largest-imported-beef-market-in-2021/. FASE-2020363.
rounds in the pet sector had reached 22, and seven DCCC. “Pet Food Chinese Importers: China
were about functional food and nutrition products. Demands for Imported Pet Feed.” DCCC, 29 July
In 2020, the pet consumption market reached 206.5 2021,
billion RMB (US$31.84 billion), with money spent importers-2/.
mainly on food, snacks and nutrition accounting for
55.7% of the total. A climbing number of enterprises DG. “Going Bigger! Big Scale Dairy Farming a
were marching into the pet sector during the Main Trend in China.” DairyGlobal, 21 June 2021,
COVID-19 pandemic; however, the nutrition product
segment only accounts for 3 to 4% of the massive pet Going-bigger-Big-scale-dairy-farming-a-main-trend-
food consumption market, with most companies still in-China-760991E/.
in the initial stages. Traditional giant RedDog took
the lead, followed by H&H Group, Mars and Peidi. DS. “2021 China DAIRY Top 20 Summit Held
Companies on other tracks are also scrambling for a IN HEFEI.” The Dairy Site, 28 July 2021, www.
piece of the booming pet nutrition segment (Zhao).
Works Cited
Ijaz, Muawuz, et al. “Meat Production and
Abid, Ali, and Shang Jie. “Impact of COVID-19 on Supply Chain UNDER Covid-19 Scenario: Current
AGRICULTURAL Food: A Strengths, Weaknesses, Trends and Future Prospects.” Frontiers, Frontiers,
Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) ANALYSIS.” Wiley 1 Jan. 1AD,
Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 10 June 2021, fvets.2021.660736/full.
McGregor, Grady. “China Is Getting ITS Pig
Bai, Zhaohai, et al. “China's Livestock Transition: Epidemic under Control, but It's Not out of the
Driving Forces, Impacts, and Consequences.” Woods Yet.” Fortune, Fortune, 3 July 2021, fortune.
Science Advances, American Association for the com/2021/07/03/african-swine-fever-epidemic-
Advancement of Science, 1 July 2018, advances. china-pig-recovery/.
Mordor intelligence. “China Pet Food Market
Berkhout, Natalie. “China Prepares for a Trends & Share: Industry Analysis REPORT 2021
Productive Year in Poultry.” PoultryWorld, 13 Aug. to 2026 .” China Pet Food Market Trends & Share|
2021, Industry Analysis Report 2021 to 2026 – Mordor
China-prepares-for-a-productive-year-in-poultry- Intelligence, 2021,
779286E/. industry-reports/china-pet-food-market.
Blazyte, Agne. “Topic: Meat Industry in China.” Neo, Pearly. “China's Dairy Boom: Yili PEGS
Statista, 6 June 2020, POST-COVID-19 Health Demands and Tech as Key
meat-industry-in-china/. to Consumption BOOST – Exclusive Interview.”
Foodnavigator, William Reed Business Media
Chen, Meiling. “Plant-Based Milk Spawns Niche Ltd., 2 Nov. 2020,
Market in China.”, 14 Dec. post-COVID-19-health-demands-and-tech-as-key-
2020, source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS&utm_
Ning, Yang. “EGG Production in CHINA: Current
CS. “China Is World's Largest Imported Beef Status and Outlook.” Frontiers of Agricultural
Market in 2021.” The Cattle Site, 29 June 2021, www. Science and Engineering, Higher Education Press, 15 Mar. 2021,
largest-imported-beef-market-in-2021/. FASE-2020363.