Page 8 - 2021 White Paper
P. 8
1 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
President’s Message
Our 2021 White Paper on the Business member company executives as well as teachers and
Environment in China is our 14th such administrators of international schools back to China.
endeavor, and I believe it to be our strongest. It has taken Our challenge was getting people back to work, and
more than six months and a team of highly accomplished we succeeded. Although we were all hurting, AmCham
experts from both sides of the Pacific Ocean, including South China also was able to raise millions of dollars in
seven who hold doctoral degrees, as well as respected cash and supplies for those in need for we understand
professors, business executives and legal and financial that doing what is best for our community is good for
scholars. As a policy document—a structured argument our businesses.
in favor of choices we believe will benefit the Chinese
economy and the foreign investors who have contributed Ultimately, our success depends on the hard work
to its historic growth—it is required to present a reasoned, and contributions of our membership. At the onset of
factual foundation for what in the end is a rhetorical goal. COVID-19 AmCham South China members were quick
Our purpose is to win the respect of our readers before to jump into action and by mid-February 2020 had
winning their opinion. already donated US$38 million in cash and 1.05 million
US dollars in-kind to aid Wuhan, Hubei, and other
You will note that, in pursuit of this goal, we have areas in need. AmCham South China members also
attempted to compile a well-balanced and neutral donated millions of US dollars to the last two Sichuan
framework for our arguments. This framework is earthquakes in 2008 and 2013 (2008: US$ 35 million;
extensively researched and exhaustively cited. It does 2013: US$ 14 million). I was delighted to see the 550
not represent the opinion of this Chamber so much members and dignitaries attending our 2020 Hope Ball
as the condensed—distilled—opinion of a diverse take time at the party to donate cash to the Guangzhou
cross section of interested parties. Both domestic and Women and Children’s Hospital. All the money, which
international media are represented, as are academics was donated directly to the hospital foundation, is
and statisticians from around the world. never touched by our Chamber and goes directly to
pay for immediate lifesaving surgeries for poor and
In many ways, 2020 was a disappointing year that will orphaned children. In the past ten years we have raised
long be remembered. We had anticipated the underlining over 5,172,000 RMB in cash that literally saved the lives
theme of this year’s book to be one of progress on a Phase II of 221 orphaned children who otherwise would not
if not Phase III deal between the US and China. Instead, we be alive today. We have also raised 12,945,811 RMB
had to face the undisputable consequences of COVID-19. in in-kind donations which, together with investments
Many of us tragically lost loved ones and friends. We also we have introduced, have raised four impoverished
had to deal with the repercussions to our businesses as we villages and tens of thousands of poor villagers above
continued to grieve. the poverty line. The philanthropic program has been
wildly successful. I always believe that charity brings
I believe that there is much to be proud of as we enter hope for tomorrow and we can always do more.
2021. Like a phoenix, we have risen again from what
may have been certain catastrophic circumstances. Economic shocks like the coronavirus pandemic
We made it through together by helping each other. of 2020 only arrive once every few generations, and
China was the first country to get back to business, they bring about permanent and far-reaching change.
but it was not easy. For example, we worked feverishly Measured by output, the world economy is well on the
with government officials and other institutions such way to recovery from a slump the likes of which barely
as the Guangdong Department of Commerce and any of its 7.7 billion people have seen in their lifetimes.
Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) for a speedy return of our Vaccines should accelerate the rebound in 2021. But
President’s Message
Our 2021 White Paper on the Business member company executives as well as teachers and
Environment in China is our 14th such administrators of international schools back to China.
endeavor, and I believe it to be our strongest. It has taken Our challenge was getting people back to work, and
more than six months and a team of highly accomplished we succeeded. Although we were all hurting, AmCham
experts from both sides of the Pacific Ocean, including South China also was able to raise millions of dollars in
seven who hold doctoral degrees, as well as respected cash and supplies for those in need for we understand
professors, business executives and legal and financial that doing what is best for our community is good for
scholars. As a policy document—a structured argument our businesses.
in favor of choices we believe will benefit the Chinese
economy and the foreign investors who have contributed Ultimately, our success depends on the hard work
to its historic growth—it is required to present a reasoned, and contributions of our membership. At the onset of
factual foundation for what in the end is a rhetorical goal. COVID-19 AmCham South China members were quick
Our purpose is to win the respect of our readers before to jump into action and by mid-February 2020 had
winning their opinion. already donated US$38 million in cash and 1.05 million
US dollars in-kind to aid Wuhan, Hubei, and other
You will note that, in pursuit of this goal, we have areas in need. AmCham South China members also
attempted to compile a well-balanced and neutral donated millions of US dollars to the last two Sichuan
framework for our arguments. This framework is earthquakes in 2008 and 2013 (2008: US$ 35 million;
extensively researched and exhaustively cited. It does 2013: US$ 14 million). I was delighted to see the 550
not represent the opinion of this Chamber so much members and dignitaries attending our 2020 Hope Ball
as the condensed—distilled—opinion of a diverse take time at the party to donate cash to the Guangzhou
cross section of interested parties. Both domestic and Women and Children’s Hospital. All the money, which
international media are represented, as are academics was donated directly to the hospital foundation, is
and statisticians from around the world. never touched by our Chamber and goes directly to
pay for immediate lifesaving surgeries for poor and
In many ways, 2020 was a disappointing year that will orphaned children. In the past ten years we have raised
long be remembered. We had anticipated the underlining over 5,172,000 RMB in cash that literally saved the lives
theme of this year’s book to be one of progress on a Phase II of 221 orphaned children who otherwise would not
if not Phase III deal between the US and China. Instead, we be alive today. We have also raised 12,945,811 RMB
had to face the undisputable consequences of COVID-19. in in-kind donations which, together with investments
Many of us tragically lost loved ones and friends. We also we have introduced, have raised four impoverished
had to deal with the repercussions to our businesses as we villages and tens of thousands of poor villagers above
continued to grieve. the poverty line. The philanthropic program has been
wildly successful. I always believe that charity brings
I believe that there is much to be proud of as we enter hope for tomorrow and we can always do more.
2021. Like a phoenix, we have risen again from what
may have been certain catastrophic circumstances. Economic shocks like the coronavirus pandemic
We made it through together by helping each other. of 2020 only arrive once every few generations, and
China was the first country to get back to business, they bring about permanent and far-reaching change.
but it was not easy. For example, we worked feverishly Measured by output, the world economy is well on the
with government officials and other institutions such way to recovery from a slump the likes of which barely
as the Guangdong Department of Commerce and any of its 7.7 billion people have seen in their lifetimes.
Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) for a speedy return of our Vaccines should accelerate the rebound in 2021. But