Page 86 - 2019 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 86
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
nji) Fig 4 The GBA, the YREB and Jingjinji are the three ALegacyinOutstandingEconomicDevelopment
were megacities in China
BRI in The GBA has a legacy of being the first region to take
cted to Figure 4 | The GBA, the YREB and Jingjinji are the three off economically since the beginning of China’s economic
national megacities in China reform. Benefiting first from the migration of Hong Kong’s
nd manufacturers and then those of Taiwan to Guangdong
s in response to its favorable policy and low labor cost,
nd the Pearl River Delta, particularly the Shenzhen Special
urban Economic Zone, registered outstanding economic growth
g costs, in the 1980s and 1990s that was significantly ahead of the
These national average.
ders in Source: EY Subsequent to the early head start and rapid
development, the region has been one of the most
New Source: EY economically prolific areas in China. The total economic
s of the output of the GBA amounted to 10.2 trillion yuan in
ing hub FFiiggu5reT5hr|eTehmreeegamceitgieasciintiCeshiinnaChina 2017, broadly equivalent to 12.4% of China’s GDP. With a
rket, total population of 67.1m, or 4.85% of total population,
o the the region is a relatively advanced region in terms of
n total economic development, with GDP per capita at 2.5 times
n higher than the national average.
86 GBA Jingjinji YREB Nurturing Ground for Private, Outward
Facing Economy
Size ( 56,148 214228 350840
Population (m) 68 112 222 The Factory of the World
GDP (RMB b) 9,138 8,256 19,532 经济改革长期领Since the early days, the region has been called “the
Long-time leader inGDP per capita (RMB) 134,366 73,681 87,963
factory of the world” for being a hub for export-oriented
Tertiary industry manufacturing. The China Import and Export Fair (Canton
economic reform(% of GDP)
65 58 52
ExportNote (% of GDP) 53 11 30
Hi-tech industryNote 32 18 24
(% of total VAI) Fig 6 GBA has been a driver for economic growth since the 1980s
The GBA is China’s most dynamic, open, market-oriented Figure 6 | GBA has been a driver for economic growth since
NNootet:eH:aoHnngdoKninognngoKvaoanndtigvMeaacraneugdaiorMene,axacccalucodoerdadrfinreogmetxoGcBalAundinTehedxepEforrcotoamnnodmGhiBi-stAetcshipniencdiuasltry the 1980s 根据《经济学人》2017年特别报道《中国珠
Seoxuprcoer:rttNheaapetnoiPordent,aahlAriBl-utRCerihevcaiehnuraioDntfhedSaltutatastwitsinrtoiycr2sk0s1–7W2.hIanttthheedceovuenlotrpymceanntlepalarnn,ftrhoem Average Real G成DP功gr经ow验th 》(A China that works – What the
Sourceem: NpahatisoensaolfBthuereGaBuAoafrSettaotibsrtiincgs: %YoY
30 can learn from the Pearl river delta)2,粤港
• Further integration in both physical and regulatory 区是中国最活跃、最开放、市场化程度最高、
infrastructures to connect the cities together and create a 20
big and unified market 新力的地区。在发展规划中,粤港澳大湾区的
• F•avoWroarbldl-elealidvininggtecehnnvoilroogny manednfitnaanncdialpseurbvilciecsghoubosds 0 • 进一步推进实体和监管基础设施建设一体
that attract talent from across the country and the rest -10 各城市的互联互通,打造统一大市场。
of the• woFtaarlvledonr.tafbrloemlivaincrgoessnvthireoncmouennttryanadndputhbelicregsotoodfstthheawt aotrtlrda.ct
-20 • 打造世界领先的科技和金融服务中心。
In our view, the plan is going to build on the region’s
-30 • 营造良好的生活和社会环境,以吸引国内
In ourrevmieawrk,atbhleesptrleanngtishsgaonidngacthoiebveuriledmoanrkathblee sreyngeiorgny’s
remarkable strengths and achieve remarkable synergy. 1985 1990 1995 2000 我20们05认为2,01该0 规20划15将着20眼17于加强区域实力
A legacy in outstanding economic PRD HK 同M发aca展u 。 National
Source: Guangdong Bureau of Statistics, Wind
经济高度发展Source: Guangzhou Bureau of Statistics, Wind
Subsequent to the early head start and rapid development,
The GBA has a legacy of being the first region to take off the region has been one of the most economically prolific
economically since the beginning of China’s economic areas in China. The total econom粤ic港ou澳tp大ut湾of区the是G中BA国改革开放以来首个经济腾
Grueafnogrdmon.gB-HenonegfitKinonggf-iMrsatcfaruoGmretahteermBiagyraAtrieoan–oWf eHllo-pnogisKedonfogr’ssuccess a7mounted to RMB10.2t in 2017域, b。ro得adl益y e于qu香iva港le,nt随to后12是.4台% 湾制造企业受优惠
manufacturers and then those of Taiwan to Guangdong in of China’s GDP. With a total popu低la劳tio动n o力f 6成7.本1m吸, o引r 进4.8驻5%广o东f ,珠江三角洲,尤
response to its favorable policy and low labor cost, the Pearl total population, the region is a 圳rel经ati济vel特y a区dv,an2c0ed世re纪gi8on0-in90年代经济增长显著
nji) Fig 4 The GBA, the YREB and Jingjinji are the three ALegacyinOutstandingEconomicDevelopment
were megacities in China
BRI in The GBA has a legacy of being the first region to take
cted to Figure 4 | The GBA, the YREB and Jingjinji are the three off economically since the beginning of China’s economic
national megacities in China reform. Benefiting first from the migration of Hong Kong’s
nd manufacturers and then those of Taiwan to Guangdong
s in response to its favorable policy and low labor cost,
nd the Pearl River Delta, particularly the Shenzhen Special
urban Economic Zone, registered outstanding economic growth
g costs, in the 1980s and 1990s that was significantly ahead of the
These national average.
ders in Source: EY Subsequent to the early head start and rapid
development, the region has been one of the most
New Source: EY economically prolific areas in China. The total economic
s of the output of the GBA amounted to 10.2 trillion yuan in
ing hub FFiiggu5reT5hr|eTehmreeegamceitgieasciintiCeshiinnaChina 2017, broadly equivalent to 12.4% of China’s GDP. With a
rket, total population of 67.1m, or 4.85% of total population,
o the the region is a relatively advanced region in terms of
n total economic development, with GDP per capita at 2.5 times
n higher than the national average.
86 GBA Jingjinji YREB Nurturing Ground for Private, Outward
Facing Economy
Size ( 56,148 214228 350840
Population (m) 68 112 222 The Factory of the World
GDP (RMB b) 9,138 8,256 19,532 经济改革长期领Since the early days, the region has been called “the
Long-time leader inGDP per capita (RMB) 134,366 73,681 87,963
factory of the world” for being a hub for export-oriented
Tertiary industry manufacturing. The China Import and Export Fair (Canton
economic reform(% of GDP)
65 58 52
ExportNote (% of GDP) 53 11 30
Hi-tech industryNote 32 18 24
(% of total VAI) Fig 6 GBA has been a driver for economic growth since the 1980s
The GBA is China’s most dynamic, open, market-oriented Figure 6 | GBA has been a driver for economic growth since
NNootet:eH:aoHnngdoKninognngoKvaoanndtigvMeaacraneugdaiorMene,axacccalucodoerdadrfinreogmetxoGcBalAundinTehedxepEforrcotoamnnodmGhiBi-stAetcshipniencdiuasltry the 1980s 根据《经济学人》2017年特别报道《中国珠
Seoxuprcoer:rttNheaapetnoiPordent,aahlAriBl-utRCerihevcaiehnuraioDntfhedSaltutatastwitsinrtoiycr2sk0s1–7W2.hIanttthheedceovuenlotrpymceanntlepalarnn,ftrhoem Average Real G成DP功gr经ow验th 》(A China that works – What the
Sourceem: NpahatisoensaolfBthuereGaBuAoafrSettaotibsrtiincgs: %YoY
30 can learn from the Pearl river delta)2,粤港
• Further integration in both physical and regulatory 区是中国最活跃、最开放、市场化程度最高、
infrastructures to connect the cities together and create a 20
big and unified market 新力的地区。在发展规划中,粤港澳大湾区的
• F•avoWroarbldl-elealidvininggtecehnnvoilroogny manednfitnaanncdialpseurbvilciecsghoubosds 0 • 进一步推进实体和监管基础设施建设一体
that attract talent from across the country and the rest -10 各城市的互联互通,打造统一大市场。
of the• woFtaarlvledonr.tafbrloemlivaincrgoessnvthireoncmouennttryanadndputhbelicregsotoodfstthheawt aotrtlrda.ct
-20 • 打造世界领先的科技和金融服务中心。
In our view, the plan is going to build on the region’s
-30 • 营造良好的生活和社会环境,以吸引国内
In ourrevmieawrk,atbhleesptrleanngtishsgaonidngacthoiebveuriledmoanrkathblee sreyngeiorgny’s
remarkable strengths and achieve remarkable synergy. 1985 1990 1995 2000 我20们05认为2,01该0 规20划15将着20眼17于加强区域实力
A legacy in outstanding economic PRD HK 同M发aca展u 。 National
Source: Guangdong Bureau of Statistics, Wind
经济高度发展Source: Guangzhou Bureau of Statistics, Wind
Subsequent to the early head start and rapid development,
The GBA has a legacy of being the first region to take off the region has been one of the most economically prolific
economically since the beginning of China’s economic areas in China. The total econom粤ic港ou澳tp大ut湾of区the是G中BA国改革开放以来首个经济腾
Grueafnogrdmon.gB-HenonegfitKinonggf-iMrsatcfaruoGmretahteermBiagyraAtrieoan–oWf eHllo-pnogisKedonfogr’ssuccess a7mounted to RMB10.2t in 2017域, b。ro得adl益y e于qu香iva港le,nt随to后12是.4台% 湾制造企业受优惠
manufacturers and then those of Taiwan to Guangdong in of China’s GDP. With a total popu低la劳tio动n o力f 6成7.本1m吸, o引r 进4.8驻5%广o东f ,珠江三角洲,尤
response to its favorable policy and low labor cost, the Pearl total population, the region is a 圳rel经ati济vel特y a区dv,an2c0ed世re纪gi8on0-in90年代经济增长显著