Page 82 - 2019 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 82
Broadly equivalent to 31% of the size of Guangdong province, they form a vast megacity with 56,000 km2 and 67.1m in
population that with regions at different stages of development. In addition, as World Bank data shows, the GBA would rank as
2019 WhitetPhaepewroornldth’se1B2utshinelassrgEensvtiroencmoneonmt iny,Crhiginhat behind South Korea, although by land area it is only slightly above half its size.
EFvigoulrvei1n|gGBtoA BpoepculoatmioneaandMsiezegacity FFiiggu2reG2B|AGthiBseAthwieosr1tl2dhteh1la2rtghelsatregceostnoecmoincoemnitciteynintittyheinworld
The GBA covers seven prefecture-level cites (Zhuhai, Rank Country Size of economy Land size
Huizhou, Dongguan, Foshan, Zhongzhan, Jiangmen, and 1 US (USD b) (sq. km.)
ZhaoqingZ)h, atowqoingsub-provincial level cities of Guangzhou
18,625 9,147,420
and Shenzhen, and the twGuoansgpzheocuial administrative 2 China (incl. GBA) 11,200 9,388,211
regions of Hong Kong and Macao. BroadlyHeuqizuhoivualent to 3 Japan 4,949 364,560
31% of the size of GuanFogsdhaonng proDvoinngcgeu,atnhey form a vast 4 Germany 3,478 348,900
megacity with 56,000 km2 aZnhdon6gs7h.a1nmSihlelinoznheinn population 5 UK 2,651 241,930
athEdadvtiotwiolivnthi,nargsegWtiooonrlbJsdiaeaBntcgadmoniekmfnfederaetnaaZthsumshhtoaaeiwgMgesaa,sctacohuHifetodyGnegBvKAeolnwogpomulednrta. nInk 6 France 2,466 547,557
7 India 2,264 2,973,190
as the world’s 12th largest economy, right behind South 8 Italy 1,859 294,140
KTohreeaG,BaAltchovoeursgshevbeyn lparnefdecaturerea-leitveisl coitnesly(Zshliughhati,lyHuaibzhoovue, Dhoanlgfguan, Fos9han, ZhoBnrgazzhilan, Jiangmen, and Zhaoqing1),,7tw9o6 8,358,140
itBssursobiZa-zpdehrloy.uvheinaqcuiiiavlalleevnetltcoit3ie1s%oof fGtuhaensgizzheooufZaGhnudaaonSqghdienongnzghepnro, vainndceth, ethtewyofosrpmecaiavl aasd1tm0mineigstarcaCittiyavnewairtedhga5io6n,s0o0f0Hkomn2g 9,093,510
Kong and Macau.
and 67.1m in1,536 97,480
popAurlaetaio: n1,t6h9a6t wsqit.khmregions at differentAsrteaag:e1s5o,0f 0de6vseqlo.kpmment. In addition, a1s1World SBaonukthdaKtaorsehaows, the GBA would ra1n,4k 1as1 56,148
theGwDoPrl:dU’sS1D23th2.l3arbgiellisotneconomy, rightGbDehPi:nUdSSDo3ut0h.2Kboirlelioan, although 16,376,870
Population: 4.06 million by land1a2rea it iGs oBnAly slightly above half its size. 1,317 500,210
Fig 1PoGpuBlAatipoon:p1u.l6a8timoinllioannd size 7,682,300
13 Russia 1,283
FiguHreui1zh| oGuBA population and size Guangzhou
Area: 11,159 Area: 7,436 Figure 2 | G1B4A is tShepa1i2nth largest economic entity1in,237
the world
GDP: USD 49.5 billion GDP: USD 284.6 billion 15 Australia 1,205
Population: 4.78 million Population: 14.04 million Rank Country Size of economy Land size
Dongguan Shenzhen 1 NUSNoSooutteerc::eCC:uGurruerarnnetgnGdDotnPGginDBUuPrSeDianuasUofoSfSD2ta0t(a11isU6st8iSc,os6D,f2Eb2Y5)01(6s9q,.1k4m7.,)420
ArZeaha: o2q,5in1g2 Area: 2,007 2 SCohuinrace(i:nGcul.aGnBgAd) ong Burea1u1o,2f 0S0tatis9ti,c3s8, 8E,Y211
GDP: USD 99.1 billion Guangzhou GDP: USD 283.0 billion
Population: 8.25 million PopHuluaiztihoonu: 11.90 million 3 Japan 4,949 364,560
Foshan Foshan DongguHanong Kong 4 Germany 3,478 348,900
Area: 3,875 SheAnrzehae:n1,104 5 UK A World-leading B2a,6y51Area241,930
GDP: USD 125.3 billionZhongshan GDP: USD 319.3 billion
HPoonpguKloantigon: 7.37 million 6 France 2,466 547,557
PopulationJ: i7an.5g0memnillionZhuhai
Macau 7 IndiaThe Other Leading Ba2y,2A6r4eas2in,97th3,e1W90orld
Zhongshan Macau
8 Italy 1,859 294,140
Area: 1,770 Area: 29.2
9 BrazAil remarkable feature o1f,7t9h6e Go8v,3e5rn8,m14e0nt documents
GDP: USD 46.4 billion GDP: USD 44.7 billion
ZhuPhoapiulation: 3.23 million ZhaoqPinogpulation: 0.64 million 10 Coannatdhae GBA is its ambiti1o,5n3t6o ri9v,a0l9t3h,5e10other famous
ZhuAGhaDriePaJ::iU1aS,n6Dg936m2s.eq3n.kbmillion Zhongshan Area: 15,006 Ssqh.eknmzhen 11 SmouetghaKcoirteiaes that are als1o,4g1e1ograp9h7i,c4a8l0ly bay areas,
GDP: USD 30.2 billion
AreaP: 1o,6p9Au6lraseqt.aikom:n9: ,15.6584 msqil.lkiomAnrea: 1,770 sq.kmPopulation: 4.A0r6eam: 2i, 12 GinBcAluding the New York1,M31e7tropol5it6a,1n48Area and the
GDPH: UuS$iGPz32hoD.3poPbuu:illlUaiotSnioDn3: 44..854bGimllDioiPlln:iUoSn$46.4 billiGonuangzhou GDP: US$283.0 billion 13 RSuasnsiaFrancisco Bay Area 1in,28th3e 1U6n,3it7e6d,87S0tates and the
PopuAlarteioan::1.168, Population: 3.23 mAirlleioan: 7,436 sqP.okpmulation: 11.90 million 14 SGpraeinater Tokyo Area in Ja1p,2a3n7. Resp5e00c,t2iv1e0ly, these bay
HuizGhDouPS:oUuSrcDe:4G9u.5anbgildlioonngJBiaunrgemauenof StatiGstDicPs:, UEYSD 284H.6onbgilKlioonng 15 Aaurestaramliaegacities are all w1,o2r0ld5-lea7d,6i8n2g,3c0e0nters in their
Population: 4.78 million Population: 14.04 million
Note: CurrenatrGeDaP inoUfSDsatsroef 2n0g16th. The New York Metropolitan Area
Area: 11,159 Area: 9,554 Area: 1,104 Source: GuacnogdnonsgisBtusreaoufofNSteawtistiYcso, ErYk City, Long Island, a part of Hudson
Dongguan Shenzhen
GDPA: UrSe$a4:92.5, GDP: US$34.8 billAiornea: 2,007 sqG.DkmP: US$319.3 billion
Valley in New York State, the five largest cities in New
PopuGlaDtiPon: :U4S.7D8 m9i9lli.o1nbillion Population: 4.54GmDilPlio:nUSD 283P.o0pbuilalltiioon: 7.37 million
DonPgogupaunlation: 8.25 millioZnhaoqing Population: 11M.9a0camo illion Jersey, and six cities in Connecticut. It is arguably the
AreaF: 2o, Area: 15,006 sq.kmHong Kong Area: 29.2 wGouarnldgd’sonlga-HrgonegsKtonfgin-MaancacuiaGlrecaetenr Bteayr Awreiath– Wtehll-epoliaserdgfeorsstucscteossck 5
Area: 3,875 Area: 1,104 markets in Wall Street, and it has the headquarters of
GDPG: UDSP$9:9U.1SbDilli1o2n5.3 billionGDP: US$30.2 billiGonDP: USD 319G.3DPb:iUllSio$n44.7 billion
Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Citi and JP Morgan
PopuPlaotpiounl:a8t.2io5nm:i7llio.5n0 millioPnopulation: 4.06 mPiollipounlation: 7.P3o7pumlaitllioionn: 0.64 million
FoshZahn ongshan Guangzhou Macau Chase. The San Francisco Bay Area is a region of nine
counties surrounding the San Francisco, San Pablo and
AreaA: 3r,8e7a5: s1q,.k7m70 Area: 7,436 sq.kmArea: 29.2 Suisun estuaries in the northern part of the US state of
GDP: USD 46.4 billion GDP: USD 44.7 billion California. It is a tech center with Silicon Valley being
GDPP: UoSp$u1l2a5t.3iobnil:lio3n.23 millioGnDP: US$284.6 biPllioonpulation: 0.64 million home to tech powerhouses such as Apple, Intel and
Alphabet. The Bay Area is also home to the second
PopuJlaitaionng: 7m.50emnillion Population: 14.04 million highest concentration of Fortune 500 companies in the
Area: 9,554
SouGrDcPe::UGSDua34n.g8dboillinong Bureau of Statistics, EY
Population: 4.54 million
Source: Guangdong Bureau of Statistics, EY US, second only to the New York metropolitan area. The
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area – Well-poised for success 5
population that with regions at different stages of development. In addition, as World Bank data shows, the GBA would rank as
2019 WhitetPhaepewroornldth’se1B2utshinelassrgEensvtiroencmoneonmt iny,Crhiginhat behind South Korea, although by land area it is only slightly above half its size.
EFvigoulrvei1n|gGBtoA BpoepculoatmioneaandMsiezegacity FFiiggu2reG2B|AGthiBseAthwieosr1tl2dhteh1la2rtghelsatregceostnoecmoincoemnitciteynintittyheinworld
The GBA covers seven prefecture-level cites (Zhuhai, Rank Country Size of economy Land size
Huizhou, Dongguan, Foshan, Zhongzhan, Jiangmen, and 1 US (USD b) (sq. km.)
ZhaoqingZ)h, atowqoingsub-provincial level cities of Guangzhou
18,625 9,147,420
and Shenzhen, and the twGuoansgpzheocuial administrative 2 China (incl. GBA) 11,200 9,388,211
regions of Hong Kong and Macao. BroadlyHeuqizuhoivualent to 3 Japan 4,949 364,560
31% of the size of GuanFogsdhaonng proDvoinngcgeu,atnhey form a vast 4 Germany 3,478 348,900
megacity with 56,000 km2 aZnhdon6gs7h.a1nmSihlelinoznheinn population 5 UK 2,651 241,930
athEdadvtiotwiolivnthi,nargsegWtiooonrlbJsdiaeaBntcgadmoniekmfnfederaetnaaZthsumshhtoaaeiwgMgesaa,sctacohuHifetodyGnegBvKAeolnwogpomulednrta. nInk 6 France 2,466 547,557
7 India 2,264 2,973,190
as the world’s 12th largest economy, right behind South 8 Italy 1,859 294,140
KTohreeaG,BaAltchovoeursgshevbeyn lparnefdecaturerea-leitveisl coitnesly(Zshliughhati,lyHuaibzhoovue, Dhoanlgfguan, Fos9han, ZhoBnrgazzhilan, Jiangmen, and Zhaoqing1),,7tw9o6 8,358,140
itBssursobiZa-zpdehrloy.uvheinaqcuiiiavlalleevnetltcoit3ie1s%oof fGtuhaensgizzheooufZaGhnudaaonSqghdienongnzghepnro, vainndceth, ethtewyofosrpmecaiavl aasd1tm0mineigstarcaCittiyavnewairtedhga5io6n,s0o0f0Hkomn2g 9,093,510
Kong and Macau.
and 67.1m in1,536 97,480
popAurlaetaio: n1,t6h9a6t wsqit.khmregions at differentAsrteaag:e1s5o,0f 0de6vseqlo.kpmment. In addition, a1s1World SBaonukthdaKtaorsehaows, the GBA would ra1n,4k 1as1 56,148
theGwDoPrl:dU’sS1D23th2.l3arbgiellisotneconomy, rightGbDehPi:nUdSSDo3ut0h.2Kboirlelioan, although 16,376,870
Population: 4.06 million by land1a2rea it iGs oBnAly slightly above half its size. 1,317 500,210
Fig 1PoGpuBlAatipoon:p1u.l6a8timoinllioannd size 7,682,300
13 Russia 1,283
FiguHreui1zh| oGuBA population and size Guangzhou
Area: 11,159 Area: 7,436 Figure 2 | G1B4A is tShepa1i2nth largest economic entity1in,237
the world
GDP: USD 49.5 billion GDP: USD 284.6 billion 15 Australia 1,205
Population: 4.78 million Population: 14.04 million Rank Country Size of economy Land size
Dongguan Shenzhen 1 NUSNoSooutteerc::eCC:uGurruerarnnetgnGdDotnPGginDBUuPrSeDianuasUofoSfSD2ta0t(a11isU6st8iSc,os6D,f2Eb2Y5)01(6s9q,.1k4m7.,)420
ArZeaha: o2q,5in1g2 Area: 2,007 2 SCohuinrace(i:nGcul.aGnBgAd) ong Burea1u1o,2f 0S0tatis9ti,c3s8, 8E,Y211
GDP: USD 99.1 billion Guangzhou GDP: USD 283.0 billion
Population: 8.25 million PopHuluaiztihoonu: 11.90 million 3 Japan 4,949 364,560
Foshan Foshan DongguHanong Kong 4 Germany 3,478 348,900
Area: 3,875 SheAnrzehae:n1,104 5 UK A World-leading B2a,6y51Area241,930
GDP: USD 125.3 billionZhongshan GDP: USD 319.3 billion
HPoonpguKloantigon: 7.37 million 6 France 2,466 547,557
PopulationJ: i7an.5g0memnillionZhuhai
Macau 7 IndiaThe Other Leading Ba2y,2A6r4eas2in,97th3,e1W90orld
Zhongshan Macau
8 Italy 1,859 294,140
Area: 1,770 Area: 29.2
9 BrazAil remarkable feature o1f,7t9h6e Go8v,3e5rn8,m14e0nt documents
GDP: USD 46.4 billion GDP: USD 44.7 billion
ZhuPhoapiulation: 3.23 million ZhaoqPinogpulation: 0.64 million 10 Coannatdhae GBA is its ambiti1o,5n3t6o ri9v,a0l9t3h,5e10other famous
ZhuAGhaDriePaJ::iU1aS,n6Dg936m2s.eq3n.kbmillion Zhongshan Area: 15,006 Ssqh.eknmzhen 11 SmouetghaKcoirteiaes that are als1o,4g1e1ograp9h7i,c4a8l0ly bay areas,
GDP: USD 30.2 billion
AreaP: 1o,6p9Au6lraseqt.aikom:n9: ,15.6584 msqil.lkiomAnrea: 1,770 sq.kmPopulation: 4.A0r6eam: 2i, 12 GinBcAluding the New York1,M31e7tropol5it6a,1n48Area and the
GDPH: UuS$iGPz32hoD.3poPbuu:illlUaiotSnioDn3: 44..854bGimllDioiPlln:iUoSn$46.4 billiGonuangzhou GDP: US$283.0 billion 13 RSuasnsiaFrancisco Bay Area 1in,28th3e 1U6n,3it7e6d,87S0tates and the
PopuAlarteioan::1.168, Population: 3.23 mAirlleioan: 7,436 sqP.okpmulation: 11.90 million 14 SGpraeinater Tokyo Area in Ja1p,2a3n7. Resp5e00c,t2iv1e0ly, these bay
HuizGhDouPS:oUuSrcDe:4G9u.5anbgildlioonngJBiaunrgemauenof StatiGstDicPs:, UEYSD 284H.6onbgilKlioonng 15 Aaurestaramliaegacities are all w1,o2r0ld5-lea7d,6i8n2g,3c0e0nters in their
Population: 4.78 million Population: 14.04 million
Note: CurrenatrGeDaP inoUfSDsatsroef 2n0g16th. The New York Metropolitan Area
Area: 11,159 Area: 9,554 Area: 1,104 Source: GuacnogdnonsgisBtusreaoufofNSteawtistiYcso, ErYk City, Long Island, a part of Hudson
Dongguan Shenzhen
GDPA: UrSe$a4:92.5, GDP: US$34.8 billAiornea: 2,007 sqG.DkmP: US$319.3 billion
Valley in New York State, the five largest cities in New
PopuGlaDtiPon: :U4S.7D8 m9i9lli.o1nbillion Population: 4.54GmDilPlio:nUSD 283P.o0pbuilalltiioon: 7.37 million
DonPgogupaunlation: 8.25 millioZnhaoqing Population: 11M.9a0camo illion Jersey, and six cities in Connecticut. It is arguably the
AreaF: 2o, Area: 15,006 sq.kmHong Kong Area: 29.2 wGouarnldgd’sonlga-HrgonegsKtonfgin-MaancacuiaGlrecaetenr Bteayr Awreiath– Wtehll-epoliaserdgfeorsstucscteossck 5
Area: 3,875 Area: 1,104 markets in Wall Street, and it has the headquarters of
GDPG: UDSP$9:9U.1SbDilli1o2n5.3 billionGDP: US$30.2 billiGonDP: USD 319G.3DPb:iUllSio$n44.7 billion
Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Citi and JP Morgan
PopuPlaotpiounl:a8t.2io5nm:i7llio.5n0 millioPnopulation: 4.06 mPiollipounlation: 7.P3o7pumlaitllioionn: 0.64 million
FoshZahn ongshan Guangzhou Macau Chase. The San Francisco Bay Area is a region of nine
counties surrounding the San Francisco, San Pablo and
AreaA: 3r,8e7a5: s1q,.k7m70 Area: 7,436 sq.kmArea: 29.2 Suisun estuaries in the northern part of the US state of
GDP: USD 46.4 billion GDP: USD 44.7 billion California. It is a tech center with Silicon Valley being
GDPP: UoSp$u1l2a5t.3iobnil:lio3n.23 millioGnDP: US$284.6 biPllioonpulation: 0.64 million home to tech powerhouses such as Apple, Intel and
Alphabet. The Bay Area is also home to the second
PopuJlaitaionng: 7m.50emnillion Population: 14.04 million highest concentration of Fortune 500 companies in the
Area: 9,554
SouGrDcPe::UGSDua34n.g8dboillinong Bureau of Statistics, EY
Population: 4.54 million
Source: Guangdong Bureau of Statistics, EY US, second only to the New York metropolitan area. The
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area – Well-poised for success 5