Page 206 - 2019 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 206
9 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

schools, hospitals, village committees as well as guest Works Cited
houses. The demands for clean heating are expected to
further push forward the development of ASHP market Associated Press. “China’s Manufacturing Weakens in
in 2018. Electricity or gas, local circumstances will be June Amid Trade Tensions.” US News & World Report, US
the major factor to consider. 2019’s coal-to-electricity News & World Report, July 2018,
projects should continue the focus on switching the coal- business/articles/2018-06-29/chinas-manufacturing-
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some mountainous areas, as well as the replacement of
previously installed electric thermal storage heaters. Four CHEAA. “China’s Coal-to-Electricity Policy to Further
million households were expected to switch their heating Boost Market Growth, Setting Central Heating a New
systems from coal to gas or to electricity in northern Trend.” China Appliance Magazine, China Household
China by 2019. Air heaters were the hottest items of ASHP Electrical Appliances Association, 30 May 2018, en.cheaa.
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