Page 108 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 108
It is necessary to optimize accelerate the formation of The Plan highlights that all relevant departments
a law-based, international and convenient business should responsively delegate relevant administrative
environment and a fair, open, unified and efficient authorities to Hainan Province as per the needs for the
market environment. It is also important to penetrate construction of the HNFTZ and provide more special
ecological civilization ideas throughout the whole guidance and services. Relevant departments should
process of construction of the HNFTZ, actively explore a take risk prevention and control as the bottom line,
new mode of ecological and green development of the and the relevant policies should undergo in-depth
HNFTZ, strengthen reform system integration and strive demonstration and strict control before issuance, and
to achieve more institutional system innovations. be issued once they are mature, to realize regional
stable, safe and efficient operation. Relevant department
The Plan stipulates to give full play to the overall should carry out all pilot assignments of the reform, and
advantages of the pilot program involving the entire build the HNFTZ into a new height for comprehensively
Hainan Island, closely focus on construction of a deepening reform and opening-up.
pilot zone for comprehensively deepening reform
and opening-up, a pilot zone for national ecological Ten Initiatives to Introduce Foreign Capital
civilization, an international tourism consumption center in Hainan Province
and a national major strategic provision zone, implement
more proactive opening-up strategies, speed up the On November 30, 2018, Hainan Province convened
establishment of a new system for open economy, a working conference on the introduction of foreign
promote the formation of a new pattern of opening-up capital in which ten initiatives were launched to strongly
in an all-round way, and build Hainan into an important introduce foreign capital, striving to realize the major
gateway for opening-up toward the Pacific Ocean and objectives, i.e. double the actual utilization of foreign
the Indian Ocean. capital year by year in the coming period; continuously
increase the proportion of Fortune Global 500 companies,
Based on the existing assignments of the pilot free industry leaders and regional headquarters projects;
trade zones, the Plan clarifies that the HNFTZ should accelerate the development of foreign service trade;
carry out reform pilots in accelerating the construction create a large number of new models and forms of
of a new system for open economy, the innovation business of foreign trade; establish the system in line with
and development of the service industry and the international investment and trade rules; build a legal,
transformation of government functions, as well as international and convenient business environment; and
intensify the construction of systems and mechanisms significantly improve the international openness in the
for material risk prevention and control. In addition, with province. The “three fields” for the introduction of foreign
reference to the characteristics of Hainan, the HNFTZ capital in Hainan Province include tourism, modern
should propose special pilot programs in the areas of service industry and high-tech industry; the key industries
medical and healthcare, cultural tourism, and ecological include tourism, high-tech industry, seed industry,
and green development. healthcare, education, sports, telecommunication,
Internet, culture, maintenance, finance, shipping, trade,
The Plan points out that, by 2020, the free trade zone exhibition and professional services.
will achieve remarkable progress in its construction.
Specifically, it will significantly enhance the level of Action Plan for Optimizing the Business
opening-up towards the world; develop itself into a Environment of Hainan Province (2018-2019)
high-standard and high-quality free trade zone with
convenient investment trade, standard law-based On Dec 10, 2018, Hainan Province announced the
environment, perfect financial services, safe and efficient Action Plan for Optimizing the Business Environment
regulation, first-class eco-environment quality and of Hainan Province (2018-2019), further accelerating
outstanding radiating and driving functions; and lay the construction of the rule of law, internationalization
a solid foundation for exploring and advancing the and facilitation of the business environment. Fu
construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port gradually and Xuanchao, Director of Hainan Development and
steadily, and establishing a free trade port policy system Reform Commission, introduced that the plan
in steps. proposed 40 reform measures in 11 aspects, which
a law-based, international and convenient business should responsively delegate relevant administrative
environment and a fair, open, unified and efficient authorities to Hainan Province as per the needs for the
market environment. It is also important to penetrate construction of the HNFTZ and provide more special
ecological civilization ideas throughout the whole guidance and services. Relevant departments should
process of construction of the HNFTZ, actively explore a take risk prevention and control as the bottom line,
new mode of ecological and green development of the and the relevant policies should undergo in-depth
HNFTZ, strengthen reform system integration and strive demonstration and strict control before issuance, and
to achieve more institutional system innovations. be issued once they are mature, to realize regional
stable, safe and efficient operation. Relevant department
The Plan stipulates to give full play to the overall should carry out all pilot assignments of the reform, and
advantages of the pilot program involving the entire build the HNFTZ into a new height for comprehensively
Hainan Island, closely focus on construction of a deepening reform and opening-up.
pilot zone for comprehensively deepening reform
and opening-up, a pilot zone for national ecological Ten Initiatives to Introduce Foreign Capital
civilization, an international tourism consumption center in Hainan Province
and a national major strategic provision zone, implement
more proactive opening-up strategies, speed up the On November 30, 2018, Hainan Province convened
establishment of a new system for open economy, a working conference on the introduction of foreign
promote the formation of a new pattern of opening-up capital in which ten initiatives were launched to strongly
in an all-round way, and build Hainan into an important introduce foreign capital, striving to realize the major
gateway for opening-up toward the Pacific Ocean and objectives, i.e. double the actual utilization of foreign
the Indian Ocean. capital year by year in the coming period; continuously
increase the proportion of Fortune Global 500 companies,
Based on the existing assignments of the pilot free industry leaders and regional headquarters projects;
trade zones, the Plan clarifies that the HNFTZ should accelerate the development of foreign service trade;
carry out reform pilots in accelerating the construction create a large number of new models and forms of
of a new system for open economy, the innovation business of foreign trade; establish the system in line with
and development of the service industry and the international investment and trade rules; build a legal,
transformation of government functions, as well as international and convenient business environment; and
intensify the construction of systems and mechanisms significantly improve the international openness in the
for material risk prevention and control. In addition, with province. The “three fields” for the introduction of foreign
reference to the characteristics of Hainan, the HNFTZ capital in Hainan Province include tourism, modern
should propose special pilot programs in the areas of service industry and high-tech industry; the key industries
medical and healthcare, cultural tourism, and ecological include tourism, high-tech industry, seed industry,
and green development. healthcare, education, sports, telecommunication,
Internet, culture, maintenance, finance, shipping, trade,
The Plan points out that, by 2020, the free trade zone exhibition and professional services.
will achieve remarkable progress in its construction.
Specifically, it will significantly enhance the level of Action Plan for Optimizing the Business
opening-up towards the world; develop itself into a Environment of Hainan Province (2018-2019)
high-standard and high-quality free trade zone with
convenient investment trade, standard law-based On Dec 10, 2018, Hainan Province announced the
environment, perfect financial services, safe and efficient Action Plan for Optimizing the Business Environment
regulation, first-class eco-environment quality and of Hainan Province (2018-2019), further accelerating
outstanding radiating and driving functions; and lay the construction of the rule of law, internationalization
a solid foundation for exploring and advancing the and facilitation of the business environment. Fu
construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port gradually and Xuanchao, Director of Hainan Development and
steadily, and establishing a free trade port policy system Reform Commission, introduced that the plan
in steps. proposed 40 reform measures in 11 aspects, which