Page 520 - 2018 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 520
8 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Top Reinvestment Cities

Among all the cities in Mainland China, the most favored reinvestment destinations
by companies surveyed are still China’s top-tier cities - Beijing, Shanghai, Guang-
zhou, and Shenzhen. Interestingly, Guangzhou ranked the most popular investment city
within a list of 44 cities in China, followed by Shenzhen and Shanghai, and finally Beijing.
Although Beijing and Shanghai have enjoyed a strong momentum of economic develop-
ment, they were not the absolute first choice for investors, which is probably a result of
high operational costs.

It is also worth mentioning that when asked about the top three cities of reinvest-
ment choice, besides the top-tier cities, answers included the second and third tier
cities in China, even those in Northern China such as Altay and Kashgar. This showed that
the surveyed companies have become more diversified in their reinvesting choices, and
interest in second and third tier cities in China is increasing gradually.

REInvestment Cities IN Mainland China

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