Page 458 - 2018 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 458
8 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
Hainan’s Major Industrial Products meeting international advanced standards and
providing services such as Chinese medicine, hot springs
Product National Rank (total 30 and dietary therapy.
Refined Sugar provinces/municipalities)
6 In terms of raising innovative capability, the Plan
encourages enterprises with the necessary conditions
Natural Gas 18 to establish state, provincial and municipal-level
key laboratories and state and provincial-level key
Crude Oil 17 engineering technology R&D centers, and aims
to cultivate a group of high- and new-technology
Cars 23 enterprises, innovative enterprises, and state and
Paper 16 provincial-level IPR pilot enterprises.
Fertilizer 22 Well-known domestic and foreign schools are
encouraged to establish branch schools in the province
Hydropower 26 and large enterprises to establish training bases
in Haikou, the provincial capital. Local schools are
Source: National Data (Official website of NBS) encouraged to establish mutual recognition of courses
and accreditation with foreign schools. In addition, the
Hainan’s territory covers an enormous amount of development of accounting, legal, economic appraisal
seabed - a radius of about 200 miles around the island and consulting services are encouraged, with the Plan
area - and the local government is keen to exploit aiming to cultivate a group of internationally renown
this in terms of aquaculture and offshore oil and gas intermediary service enterprises.
production in the South China Sea. Since 1996, Hainan
has been supplying Hong Kong with natural gas through In terms of the environment, the Plan hopes to achieve
a 770-kilometer pipeline. Large oil and gas reserves have a 90 percent rural waste treatment and disposal rate and
been discovered in the South China Sea, a major source a 95 percent industrial waste safety disposal rate in the
of conflict between China and its neighboring countries rural area, and prohibits the development of high energy
in recent times. consumption, high water consumption, high emission
and overcapacity industries. The Plan also aims to increase
The 13th Five Year Plan of Hainan aims to promote the utilization rate of clean energy by 2020.
the modern service industries, including tourism,
commercial exhibitions, modern logistics, and sports The Plan aims to actively promote Haikou’s economic
and leisure. It also aims to greatly increase investment exchange and cooperation with the pan-PRD region and
into the new energy, new materials and biomedical international sister cities, as well as expand economic
industries, such that they become the province’s main cooperation and trading with the Silk Road nations. In
pillars of economic growth. The Plan hopes to form five addition, it hopes to adjust and optimize the province’s
industry groups in the automobile, food & beverage and export goods structure and encourages and supports
agricultural product processing, photovoltaic, medical expanding the export of photovoltaics, marine products,
and pharmaceutical, cultural and creativity, and leisure food and beverages, and electrical and mechanical
and entertainment industries. It also plans to accelerate products. In addition, it hopes to adjust and optimize the
the development of the golf and yacht industries by structure of foreign direct investment (FDI) utilization by
introducing a series of internationally influential golf increasing efforts to attract investment in the high- and
tournaments, developing golf training and associated new-technology industries, modern service industries,
industries, and establishing yacht trading venues and and public infrastructure.
yacht clubs. The Plan also encourages the creation of a
base for manufacturing travel equipment including for
yachts, residential vehicles, outdoor sports, scuba diving,
and golf. In addition, the Plan aims to cultivate three
to five medical, health and rehabilitation institutions
Hainan’s Major Industrial Products meeting international advanced standards and
providing services such as Chinese medicine, hot springs
Product National Rank (total 30 and dietary therapy.
Refined Sugar provinces/municipalities)
6 In terms of raising innovative capability, the Plan
encourages enterprises with the necessary conditions
Natural Gas 18 to establish state, provincial and municipal-level
key laboratories and state and provincial-level key
Crude Oil 17 engineering technology R&D centers, and aims
to cultivate a group of high- and new-technology
Cars 23 enterprises, innovative enterprises, and state and
Paper 16 provincial-level IPR pilot enterprises.
Fertilizer 22 Well-known domestic and foreign schools are
encouraged to establish branch schools in the province
Hydropower 26 and large enterprises to establish training bases
in Haikou, the provincial capital. Local schools are
Source: National Data (Official website of NBS) encouraged to establish mutual recognition of courses
and accreditation with foreign schools. In addition, the
Hainan’s territory covers an enormous amount of development of accounting, legal, economic appraisal
seabed - a radius of about 200 miles around the island and consulting services are encouraged, with the Plan
area - and the local government is keen to exploit aiming to cultivate a group of internationally renown
this in terms of aquaculture and offshore oil and gas intermediary service enterprises.
production in the South China Sea. Since 1996, Hainan
has been supplying Hong Kong with natural gas through In terms of the environment, the Plan hopes to achieve
a 770-kilometer pipeline. Large oil and gas reserves have a 90 percent rural waste treatment and disposal rate and
been discovered in the South China Sea, a major source a 95 percent industrial waste safety disposal rate in the
of conflict between China and its neighboring countries rural area, and prohibits the development of high energy
in recent times. consumption, high water consumption, high emission
and overcapacity industries. The Plan also aims to increase
The 13th Five Year Plan of Hainan aims to promote the utilization rate of clean energy by 2020.
the modern service industries, including tourism,
commercial exhibitions, modern logistics, and sports The Plan aims to actively promote Haikou’s economic
and leisure. It also aims to greatly increase investment exchange and cooperation with the pan-PRD region and
into the new energy, new materials and biomedical international sister cities, as well as expand economic
industries, such that they become the province’s main cooperation and trading with the Silk Road nations. In
pillars of economic growth. The Plan hopes to form five addition, it hopes to adjust and optimize the province’s
industry groups in the automobile, food & beverage and export goods structure and encourages and supports
agricultural product processing, photovoltaic, medical expanding the export of photovoltaics, marine products,
and pharmaceutical, cultural and creativity, and leisure food and beverages, and electrical and mechanical
and entertainment industries. It also plans to accelerate products. In addition, it hopes to adjust and optimize the
the development of the golf and yacht industries by structure of foreign direct investment (FDI) utilization by
introducing a series of internationally influential golf increasing efforts to attract investment in the high- and
tournaments, developing golf training and associated new-technology industries, modern service industries,
industries, and establishing yacht trading venues and and public infrastructure.
yacht clubs. The Plan also encourages the creation of a
base for manufacturing travel equipment including for
yachts, residential vehicles, outdoor sports, scuba diving,
and golf. In addition, the Plan aims to cultivate three
to five medical, health and rehabilitation institutions