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6 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

economy at the height of the global financial crisis, some pro- tation and reliance on low-tech production methods has led
vincial governments, mainly in west China, started to find ways to a proliferation of small, inefficient facilities which may have
to subsidize energy-intensive enterprises in November 2008.”40 little or no environmental oversight. According to one plastic
recycling executive, “Many of the recycling plants are operated
Further Tax Rebate Changes by farmers, using simple technology, and are not safe places to
Beginning July 15, 2010, exports of 406 items (including work.” and that “’99 percent’ of China’s scrap plastics compa-
nies do not have equipment to properly clean the water they use
some plastic products) would no longer receive export tax re- in their factories.”45
funds, in a move to discourage the export of highly-polluting
and energy-inefficient goods. According to the Ministry of Major goals of the new regulation appears to be the con-
Commerce, this change was not expected to substantially affect solidation of recycling operations into ‘campuses’ which will
overall export volume as the goods in question accounted for feature more sophisticated waste treatment facilities and man-
roughly one percent of the total.41 agement to limit the process’ negative environmental impact.
Such consolidation would carry with it the additional benefit
Rules for Importing Whole PET bottles of easier regulation and oversight of the trade.44
In October 2010, the Chinese government issued new regu-
A 2014 report by the Tokyo Foundation outlines China’
lations regarding the import of whole polyethylene terephthal- plans for the recycling and urban mining sector and how these
ate (PET) bottles (such as those used for soft drinks). Previous- developments could be key drivers for economic growth in its
ly, such imports were required to have been processed in some interior provinces. According to the report, “in May 2010, Chi-
way and the import of whole bottles was forbidden.42 na’s National Development and Reform Commission and the
Ministry of Finance announced a plan to develop pilot urban
The new rules “require that importers have existing facilities mining facilities in 30 cities within five years—with financial
and a current license to import recycled plastic, that they be lo- assistance being provided by the central and regional govern-
cated in a district designated for recycling and have imported ments—to obtain reusable resources from junked electrical and
at least 10,000 metric tons of material in each of the last three electronic appliances. Seven newly developed industrial parks
years.”42 were identified as the first group of such facilities: Tianying
Recycling Economic Park in Jieshou, Anhui; Ziya Circular
Plastics News observes that “The issue has been closely Economy Industrial Park in Tianjin; Jintian Industrial Park in
watched for its potential impact on recycling streams world- Ningbo, Zhejiang; Miluo Industrial Park in Hunan; Huaqing
wide, and for its potential to increase China’s already significant Circular Economy Park in Qingyan, Guangdong; Jinmai Indus-
imports of PET. The country, for example, has taken more than trial Park in Qingdao; and the Southwest Resource Recycling
half of the recycled PET bottles collected in the United States Industrial Park in Sichuan. The target is for the seven to recycle
for each of the last four years.”42 1.9 million tons of copper, 800,000 tons of aluminum, 350,000
tons of lead, and 1.8 million tons of plastic by 2015. Another
Plan for Expanded Ban on Free Plastic Bags 15 sites have already been earmarked for phase two of the urban
Since the implementation of the ban on complimentary mining initiative.”

plastic bags at retail locations in 2008, plastic bag usage has re- On September 22, 2008, the report says, “the Neijiang mu-
portedly dropped by two-thirds. To further reduce the use of nicipal government in southwestern China and China Recy-
plastic bags, the Ministry of Commerce has published a new cling Development Co., the largest resource recycling company
regulation for public feedback that would extend the ban to in- in the country, reached agreement on the construction of the
clude restaurants, hospitals and book stores.43 Southwest Recycling base, and on November 14 they signed
a contract calling for an initial investment of 3.4 billion yuan
Increased Regulatory Supervision of Plastic Recyclers to develop a recycling park spanning 3.3 square kilometers to
A round of new attention from environmental regulators on function as the core facility for the recycling base.The base is
a colossal project that will make it the largest recycling center
the plastic recycling trade has led the Ministry of Environmen- in the southwest, comprising a market covering some 53.3 km2
tal Protection to issue the “Imported Waste Plastics Environ- and another area for the deep processing of recycled resourc-
mental Protection Regulation.”44 es covering 26.7 km2. The core recycling park is being built in
three phases over five years and is scheduled for completion
According to Plastics News, “The new regulation will set a in 2015. The first phase focused on an area covering 53 hect-
market entry barrier, which is 4,000 square meters of site area ares and investment of 912 million yuan to develop facilities
and 5,000 metric tons of annual processing capacity.” The regu-
lation also “divides the 1,600 or so companies [operating in the
industry] into four categories and raises certain requirements
for each category.”44

Like many industries in China, a certain degree of fragmen-

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