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5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

valid patents for invention owned per 10,000 people has in- Interpretation of New Regulations for Imple-
creased to 4.02 from 3.23 in 2012, accomplishing the twelfth mentation of the Trademark Law

ve-year plan target in advance. In 2014, around 1.8815 mil- On August 30th 2013, the Fourth Session of the Stand-
lion applications for trademark registration were accepted, an ing Committee of the Twelfth National People’s Congress re-
increase of 14.15% compared with that of last year, ranking viewed and passed the Decision on Revision of the Trademark
the rst place in the world for 12 successive years. e num- Law. e revised Trademark Law took e ect on 1st May 2014.
ber of valid trademark registration was 7.2379 million, main-
taining China’s rst place in the world. e number of regis- e supporting administrative regulations of the Trademark
trations of copyright works was 0.845 million, an increase of Law, the revised content of the Regulations for Implementa-
22.89% compared with that of last year, and accomplished tion, have signi cant importance for the implementation of
the twelfth ve-year plan target in advance. e number of the Trademark Law.
registrations of computer software copyright was 0.164 mil-
lion, an increase of 18.04% compared with that of last year. e new Regulations for Implementation of the Trade-
Both the number of registrations of copyright works and the mark Law made several signi cant revisions:
number of registrations of computer software copyright have
broken their historical records. e number of applications Based on the provisions of the new Trademark Law, the
of agricultural plant new species in 2014 reached 1,333 and Regulations for Implementation of the Trademark Law pro-
the accumulative number of application of forestry plan new vided further regulations.
species reached 1,200.
• It further defines the application requirements for
e legitimization of government software has made im- new forms of trademarks. For the application of
pressive achievements in the past year. All the prefecture-level three-dimensional sign as a trademark, the applicant
and county-level governments have completed the inspec- shall make a statement in the application, explaining
tion and rati cation of software legitimization. In 2014, with the method of using the trademark, and submit a
strengthened cooperation, various departments carried out reproduction thereof by which the three-dimensional
“sword nets action” to seek special treatment to crack down shape can be determined. The submitted reproduction
on network infringement and piracy, “escort action” to escort shall include at least three side views of the three-
the intellectual property laws enforcement and rights protec- dimensional sign. For the application of sound as
tion, special law enforcement action to crack down the “lean- a trademark, the applicant shall make a statement
ing on famous brands” all of which achieved notable results. in the application and submit an acceptable sound
sample. The applicant shall also provide a description
e utilization and management level of intellectual prop- of the sound trademark and the method of using the
erty has gradually increased. According to international con- trademark. A description of the sound trademark shall
vention, an industry accounting for more than 5% of a coun- be made with musical notation or numbered musical
try’s gross domestic product can be called a pillar industry. notation to describe the sound to be applied as a
In 2014, 29 places in China launched intellectual property trademark, together with a description in the text; if
pledge nancing pilot projects and intellectual property in- the description of the sound trademark cannot be made
vestment and nancing pilot projects. e scale of intellectual a musical notation or numbered musical notation, it
property pledge nancing was continuously expanding. e shall be made in the text; the description of trademark
respective realized pledged nancing for patents, trademarks shall be consistent with the sound sample.
and copyrights in 2014 was RMB 25.4 billion, RMB 40.18
billion and RMB 3.173 billion, respectively, the total amount • The Regulations further define the methods of using
of which increased by 79.46% compared with that of last year. electronic messages. If the applicant submits documents
In 2014, 530 enterprises purchased patent liability insurance, by means of an electronic message, the date of submission
covering 1,855 patents, the total insured amount of which shall be the date when the electronic message enters
reached RMB 64.38 million. into the electronic systems of the Trademark Office
or Trademark Review and Adjudication Board and
International communication and cooperation about in- the content submitted shall be subject to the content
tellectual property has intensi ed. In 2014, the World Intel- recorded in the databases of the Trademark Office or
lectual Property Organization made important progress in Trademark Review and Adjudication Board, except if
establishing an o ce in China. the applicant has evidence to prove the incorrectness of
the records in the files and databases of the Trademark
74 Office or Trademark Review and Adjudication Board.
The Trademark Office may, with the consent of the
applicant, send documents to the applicant by means
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