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5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
4.5 The Business Environment in South China
50% Outstanding Q: How would you rate the overall
40% Very good business environment in South
30% Good/acceptable China?
20% Needs improvement
10% Poor is year, as in years past, most participants rated the
overall business environment as “Good/acceptable”, “Very
0% 2014 2013 good” or “Outstanding”. is year that grouping accounts for
2015 85.3 percent of participants while 14.7 percent—slightly less
than 2014’s historic high of 15.8 percent—report feeling that
the overall business environment either “Needs improvement”
or that it was simply “Poor.”
50% Improved greatly Q: Compared to 12 months ago, in
40% Improved your opinion the overall business
30% environment in South China has…
10% Remained about the same In terms of progress, responses to the question
Decreased “Compared to 12 months ago, in your opinion the overall
0% Decreased greatly business environment in South China has…” show that
2015 most participants feel that the business environment either
2014 2013 remained about the same or improved only somewhat. Only
4.4 percent felt that the business environment had improved
greatly, whereas 18.7 percent felt that it had declined either
somewhat or greatly.
30% Uncertain Q: How much interest would your
25% Great interest company have in opening a new
20% A little interest o ce or facility within a Free
15% Trade Zone located in South
10% China?
5% Ambivalent Responses to a question measuring interest in a
0% Not much interest hypothetical Free Trade Zone in South China show 44.4
No interest whatsoever percent of participants interested in expanding into such a
2015 zone, with 23.7 reporting not much or no interest whatsoever
and 31.8 percent either ambivalent or uncertain.
4.5 The Business Environment in South China
50% Outstanding Q: How would you rate the overall
40% Very good business environment in South
30% Good/acceptable China?
20% Needs improvement
10% Poor is year, as in years past, most participants rated the
overall business environment as “Good/acceptable”, “Very
0% 2014 2013 good” or “Outstanding”. is year that grouping accounts for
2015 85.3 percent of participants while 14.7 percent—slightly less
than 2014’s historic high of 15.8 percent—report feeling that
the overall business environment either “Needs improvement”
or that it was simply “Poor.”
50% Improved greatly Q: Compared to 12 months ago, in
40% Improved your opinion the overall business
30% environment in South China has…
10% Remained about the same In terms of progress, responses to the question
Decreased “Compared to 12 months ago, in your opinion the overall
0% Decreased greatly business environment in South China has…” show that
2015 most participants feel that the business environment either
2014 2013 remained about the same or improved only somewhat. Only
4.4 percent felt that the business environment had improved
greatly, whereas 18.7 percent felt that it had declined either
somewhat or greatly.
30% Uncertain Q: How much interest would your
25% Great interest company have in opening a new
20% A little interest o ce or facility within a Free
15% Trade Zone located in South
10% China?
5% Ambivalent Responses to a question measuring interest in a
0% Not much interest hypothetical Free Trade Zone in South China show 44.4
No interest whatsoever percent of participants interested in expanding into such a
2015 zone, with 23.7 reporting not much or no interest whatsoever
and 31.8 percent either ambivalent or uncertain.