Page 294 - 2015_WhitePaper_web
P. 294
5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
50% Uncertain Q: A more freely-convertible RMB
would a ect your company’s China
40% Very positively
30% Somewhat positively operations...
20% Not much Q: A more freely-convertible RMB
Somewhat negatively would a ect your company’s global
operations...10% Very negatively
50% is year we also asked two questions about the convertibility
Uncertain of the yuan. Interestingly, 66 percent of participants indicated
40% Very positively that a more freely-convertible yuan would have a positive e ect
on their China operations, up from 54.2 percent last year. e
30% Somewhat positively proportion of companies reporting that a more freely-convertible
Not much yuan would have a positive e ect on their global operations also
20% grew this year, albeit to arrive at a slightly lower total of 63.1
Somewhat negatively
percent. In both the China and global contexts, the proportion
10% Very negatively of companies reporting that a more freely-convertible yuan
would have a negative e ect on their operations shrank to near-
0% negligible levels, with only 4.1 percent expecting negative e ects
in China and only 1.5 percent expecting negative e ects globally.
Q: How do you expect the following developments to a ect your business in South
China in 2015?
100% Signi cant positive e ect
90% Somewhat positive e ect
70% Remain about the same
60% Somewhat negative e ect
50% Signi cant negative e ect
30% Uncertain
20% Not applicable
50% Uncertain Q: A more freely-convertible RMB
would a ect your company’s China
40% Very positively
30% Somewhat positively operations...
20% Not much Q: A more freely-convertible RMB
Somewhat negatively would a ect your company’s global
operations...10% Very negatively
50% is year we also asked two questions about the convertibility
Uncertain of the yuan. Interestingly, 66 percent of participants indicated
40% Very positively that a more freely-convertible yuan would have a positive e ect
on their China operations, up from 54.2 percent last year. e
30% Somewhat positively proportion of companies reporting that a more freely-convertible
Not much yuan would have a positive e ect on their global operations also
20% grew this year, albeit to arrive at a slightly lower total of 63.1
Somewhat negatively
percent. In both the China and global contexts, the proportion
10% Very negatively of companies reporting that a more freely-convertible yuan
would have a negative e ect on their operations shrank to near-
0% negligible levels, with only 4.1 percent expecting negative e ects
in China and only 1.5 percent expecting negative e ects globally.
Q: How do you expect the following developments to a ect your business in South
China in 2015?
100% Signi cant positive e ect
90% Somewhat positive e ect
70% Remain about the same
60% Somewhat negative e ect
50% Signi cant negative e ect
30% Uncertain
20% Not applicable