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P. 288
5 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

Q: For the coming 3 years, what is your company’s expected investment volume in China?

Not applicable

25% Greater than $250 million
20% Between $50 million and $250 million
15% Between $10 million and $50 million

10% Between $1 million and $10 million
5% Less than $1 million

0% 2014 2013

is year, we nd that the distribution of 3-year investment likely to have planned investments of “Between $10 million
budgets has skewed toward smaller amounts compared to and $50 million,” “Between $50 million and $250 million”
2014’s results, but in such a way as to align them more closely and “Greater than $250 million,” while being somewhat more
with results we have seen in earlier years. likely to be planning investments of “Less than $1 million”
over the 3-year time frame.
As in the past more than 20 percent of participants
reported that 3-year investment budget amounts were “Not
applicable” and a peak in the “Between $1 million and $10
million” category. Participants this year were modestly less

Q: For future investments, in which areas of China will you likely expand in the next
three years?

50% Yangtze River Delta

40% Northern China
30% Western China (Sichuan)
Western China (other locations)

20% South China (Guangdong)
10% South China (Guangxi)
South China (other locations)

0% 2014 2013 Other
of Sichuan and South China outside of Guangdong, and a
is year’s results show small increases in the proportion of decline in the proportion of companies planning investments
companies planning investments in the Yangtze River Delta, elsewhere.
the northern part of China, the western part of China outside

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