Page 4 - Special Report on the Impact of Coronavirus
P. 4
The primary difficulties reported by the (DOFCOM)与华南美国商会合作,建立并推广了一
companies were lack of availability of protective 条专为复工复产困难而设的热线电话,该热线已帮助
masks, sanitizers and other sanitary products, as 了许多企业。此外,本商会配合广东省外事办公室以
well as difficulties faced in restarting operations 及各地方政府,进行了一系列疫情防控新闻、信息和
created by various regulating authorities. This 新政策的宣传。
was mitigated in many cases through interven-
tion by our Chamber and coordination with 我们随时准备尽一切可能为您提供帮助。我相
provincial and local authorities. The Guang- 信,我们共同努力一定能克服我们今天面临的困难。
dong Department of Commerce (DOFCOM) in
coordination with our Chamber established
and promoted a hotline specifically for restart-
ing difficulties which has helped many of our 哈利•赛亚丁博士
companies. Our Chamber has also coordinated 华南美国商会会长
with Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office and many 2017奥斯陆商业促和平奖获奖者
local governments and is frequently disseminat- 由诺贝尔和平奖及经济奖评审委员会授予
ing news, information and new policies to our 暨南大学访问学者
business community. 阿来龙能源总裁
We stand ready to assist you in any way
possible. I am certain that working together we
will overcome the difficulties we face today.
Please stay safe.
Dr. Harley Seyedin
President, American Chamber of Commerce in South China
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Business for Peace Award
Awarded by the Award Committee of Nobel Laureates
in Peace and Economics
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University
President, Allelon Energy Partners