Page 3 - Special Report on the Impact of Coronavirus
P. 3
President’s Message
D ear Members,
In order to determine the extent of difficul-
ties created by the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
(COVID-19) and steps taken by various companies, 敬的会员:
the staff of American Chamber of Commerce in 尊
South China contacted 399 companies between
February 12th and 16th. Since many companies 为了确定新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)疫情造成
had not yet returned to work during the above 的困难以及各公司采取的应对措施,华南美国商会
dates, many of the corporate executives were 的工作人员在2月12日至16日之间联络了399家公
contacted at home. The foregoing is a compilation 司。由于在上述日期期间许多公司尚未复工,许多公
of their responses. 司的高管在其家中与我们取得了联系。下述内容是
While a majority of the companies contacted
believe their revenues will be impacted by the 尽管大多数联系的公司都认为疫情会影响他
outbreak, many reported to be working overtime 们的收入,但据报道许多公司都在加班工作,以弥补
to make up for production that has been delayed 因假期延长而推迟的生产,同时回司上班的员工数
by the extended holiday and fewer number of 量比往年下降。
employees reporting to work.
We had no reports of force majeure being 致其执行能力不足。但是,一些公司表示,取决于
used by either a supplier or customer to mitigate 本次疫情持续时间的长短,他们可能不得不使用
their lack of ability to perform. However, some 并预期其供应商或客户会使用不可抗力作为法律
companies anticipate that depending on how long 辩护依据。根据中国国际投资促进委员会(CCPIT)
the outbreak will last, they may have to use force 官网报告,截止至2月17日,“中国已颁发1,600多
majeure as a legal defense or anticipate it will be 份不可抗力证书,以保护公司免受新型冠状病毒病
used by either suppliers and/or their customers. (COVID-19)爆发所造成的法律损害。 ”
China Council on the Promotion of International
Investment (CCPIT) reported on its website that as 根据本次研究,企业面临的主要困难是缺
of February 17, “China has issued more than 1,600 乏防护口罩、消毒剂和其他卫生用品,以及相关政
force majeure certificates to shield companies 府部门对复工复产的规管。在许多情况下,通过华
from legal damages arising from the novel corona- 南美国商会的干预以及省和地方政府的协调,企
virus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.” 业面临的上述困难得到了有效缓解。广东省商务厅