Page 12 - Special Report on the Impact of Coronavirus
P. 12
Information on the Epidemic 疫情状况的了解
ommunication between headquar-
Cters and their subsidiaries in China 企业总部及其在华子公司之间的
seems to have improved as 97% of the 各沟通有所改善,因为97%的受访者
respondents state that their headquarters 表示,他们的总部对COVID-19对其在华业
have a good handle on the impact of the 务的影响采取了很好的处理措施,并随时准
COVID-19 on their business in China and are 备提供所需的任何帮助。
ready to provide any assistance needed.
Does your corporate headquarterssufficiently
understand the potential economic impact of
the coronavirus outbreak?
No ވ
Yes ฎ