Page 10 - Special Report on the Impact of Coronavirus
P. 10
Impact on Revenue 对营收的影响
ver 76% of the companies in the 过76%的受访企业认为2020年收
Ostudy believe their 2020 revenues 超入会收到负面影响,仅12%的受访
will be negatively impacted while just over 企业表示不确定,而12%的企业认为其收入
12% are not certain and 12% believe their 不会受到负面影响。
revenues will not be negatively impacted.
Do you expect the coronavirus outbreak to negatively
impact your estimated 2020 revenues?
ฎވᶼ๗ෛ٢የྰጱᆷݎᩃմӱ ଙතفԾኞᨮᶎߥҘ
No ވ
Yet to be decided Yes ฎ