P. 24
VENITmceC-hbraemakSinogutPhaCrthyiTnhankas to Sponsors:

AmCham South China kicked off its latest The event reached its climax with the
chapter with a vibrant Ice-breaking highly anticipated lucky draw. Excitement
Party held on March 22, 2024, at the elegant filled the air as winners were announced,
Lobby Lounge of Shangri-La Guangzhou. receiving coveted prizes like fine wine,
Attendees gathered to welcome new luxury Saga Watches, and modern
members into the AmCham South China headsets. Many thanks to Ms. JonAnn
family and share the collective expectations Flemings, our esteemed ATO Officer at our
and joy with over 100 guests. Consulate for honoring us.

Fine delicacies and Live DJ performances The celebration continued with a spotlight
are specially prepared to warmly welcome on new members from Guangzhou,
AmCham South China's new members. The ensuring a festive and enjoyable evening
guests had a great time sipping wine while for all attendees. Cheers resonated
growing their social network and sharing through the venue, marking the successful
best practices for succeeding in business. opening of AmCham South China's
Guangzhou lce-breaking Party. Gratitude
A highlight of the evening was the heartfelt was extended to Shangri-La Guangzhou
welcome speech delivered by AmCham sponsoring the venue and providing
President Harley Seyedin, setting the tone for delectable food, and to 16 Area, the wine
collaboration and growth within the community. sponsor for the evening.

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