P. 19
ket Dynamism and “A faster-growing economy generates more tax
Collaboration Benefit Everyone revenues to pay for education, defense, basic
research, transit and infrastructure, and the social
Despite critics claims that any market necessarily safety net. It fuels philanthropy and funds the arts,
creates winners and losers, Clark countered that entertainment, and culture that enrich our lives.
properly-functioning markets benefit billions of Most importantly, growth puts more money in
people every day. people’s pockets so they can care for their families
and pursue their goals,” Clark said. “That’s why—in
“Yes, markets are competitive,” Clark said. “The advancing our mission—the Chamber staunchly
cynic sees it as a zero-sum-game—they’re advocates for policies that are pro-growth.”
wrong. An optimist rightly sees competition as
a creative force. Failure leads to learning—and Protectionism Hamper Markets
is often a prerequisite for success. Winners take and Their Benefits
their profits and find new problems to solve.
Competitors learn from others’ success and drive Clark warned policymakers that protectionism
continued advancement.” restricts the benefits of markets. In contrast, the
right trade agreements can boost domestic workers,
Clark pointed out that markets also benefit America’s standing in the world, and our allies.
everyone—that the billions of little interactions
which happen every day—have a growing and “Prosperous nations are stable nations—they
uplifting impact on society as a whole. become partners, allies, and ballasts against
authoritarianism,” Clark said. “A global trend of
“Markets are also collaborative. They enable people protectionism—including here in the U.S.—puts all
across a supply chain who’ve never even met of this at risk. To turn inward—to throw up trade
to integrate and innovate remarkably complex barriers, impose tariffs, stop doing trade deals,
products that no single person or company could reactively repatriate supply chains—is to inflict
make alone,” Clark said. “Add it all up, and the harm on our own economy. It robs our businesses
biggest winners are all of us. Our families, our and workers of new opportunities and it raises
communities, our country, and our world.” prices for every American.”
Why the Chamber Is Pro-Growth Government’s Role in a Market-
Driven World
Clark added that free enterprise has given rise to
innovations that have radically improved the quality Clark reiterated the vital importance of getting
of life. government’s role right in a free enterprise system.
“People have more choices than they’ve ever “The role of government is to foster the conditions
had, whether it’s for breakfast cereal, sneakers, that enable human potential and empower
or career paths,” Clark said. “We can reach more businesses to serve people, solve problems, and
places in the world, more efficiently and affordably. strengthen society,” Clark said. “That means
The modes of transportation that get us there are letting markets work and protecting them from
safer than they’ve ever been.” government intrusion. Passing pro-growth public
What’s more, the innovations that the market policies that are workable and predictable.
creates are spread more widely than many think, Setting smart regulations that clearly signal to
Clark added. businesses the rules of the road and exercising the
fundamental duties of keeping the government
“Society as a whole reaps the outsize benefits open and running.”
of market-driven innovations. You might think
about world-changing technologies—the internet, In closing, Clark urged listeners to join the Chamber
the smartphone, the social network, AI—as this year and stand up for free enterprise.
invaluable.,” Clark said. “Economists found a way
to quantify what they call the ‘social surplus’—98 “Those who believe in free enterprise—those who
percent of the value of a new technology goes have lived it and been lifted by it—must stand up
to the billions of people who use it, while the and say so,” Clark said. “If each of us stands up—in
company or entrepreneur who invented it gets big ways and in small—we can send a message
about two percent.” that counters the cynics and pessimists. And if we
all do it together, with a unified voice, we can start
Clark also explained that the Chamber supports a movement to save the system that will secure
policies that boost economic growth because our collective future. The U.S. Chamber and our
growth benefits local communities and the people partners will proudly lead the way.”
who live in them.
Collaboration Benefit Everyone revenues to pay for education, defense, basic
research, transit and infrastructure, and the social
Despite critics claims that any market necessarily safety net. It fuels philanthropy and funds the arts,
creates winners and losers, Clark countered that entertainment, and culture that enrich our lives.
properly-functioning markets benefit billions of Most importantly, growth puts more money in
people every day. people’s pockets so they can care for their families
and pursue their goals,” Clark said. “That’s why—in
“Yes, markets are competitive,” Clark said. “The advancing our mission—the Chamber staunchly
cynic sees it as a zero-sum-game—they’re advocates for policies that are pro-growth.”
wrong. An optimist rightly sees competition as
a creative force. Failure leads to learning—and Protectionism Hamper Markets
is often a prerequisite for success. Winners take and Their Benefits
their profits and find new problems to solve.
Competitors learn from others’ success and drive Clark warned policymakers that protectionism
continued advancement.” restricts the benefits of markets. In contrast, the
right trade agreements can boost domestic workers,
Clark pointed out that markets also benefit America’s standing in the world, and our allies.
everyone—that the billions of little interactions
which happen every day—have a growing and “Prosperous nations are stable nations—they
uplifting impact on society as a whole. become partners, allies, and ballasts against
authoritarianism,” Clark said. “A global trend of
“Markets are also collaborative. They enable people protectionism—including here in the U.S.—puts all
across a supply chain who’ve never even met of this at risk. To turn inward—to throw up trade
to integrate and innovate remarkably complex barriers, impose tariffs, stop doing trade deals,
products that no single person or company could reactively repatriate supply chains—is to inflict
make alone,” Clark said. “Add it all up, and the harm on our own economy. It robs our businesses
biggest winners are all of us. Our families, our and workers of new opportunities and it raises
communities, our country, and our world.” prices for every American.”
Why the Chamber Is Pro-Growth Government’s Role in a Market-
Driven World
Clark added that free enterprise has given rise to
innovations that have radically improved the quality Clark reiterated the vital importance of getting
of life. government’s role right in a free enterprise system.
“People have more choices than they’ve ever “The role of government is to foster the conditions
had, whether it’s for breakfast cereal, sneakers, that enable human potential and empower
or career paths,” Clark said. “We can reach more businesses to serve people, solve problems, and
places in the world, more efficiently and affordably. strengthen society,” Clark said. “That means
The modes of transportation that get us there are letting markets work and protecting them from
safer than they’ve ever been.” government intrusion. Passing pro-growth public
What’s more, the innovations that the market policies that are workable and predictable.
creates are spread more widely than many think, Setting smart regulations that clearly signal to
Clark added. businesses the rules of the road and exercising the
fundamental duties of keeping the government
“Society as a whole reaps the outsize benefits open and running.”
of market-driven innovations. You might think
about world-changing technologies—the internet, In closing, Clark urged listeners to join the Chamber
the smartphone, the social network, AI—as this year and stand up for free enterprise.
invaluable.,” Clark said. “Economists found a way
to quantify what they call the ‘social surplus’—98 “Those who believe in free enterprise—those who
percent of the value of a new technology goes have lived it and been lifted by it—must stand up
to the billions of people who use it, while the and say so,” Clark said. “If each of us stands up—in
company or entrepreneur who invented it gets big ways and in small—we can send a message
about two percent.” that counters the cynics and pessimists. And if we
all do it together, with a unified voice, we can start
Clark also explained that the Chamber supports a movement to save the system that will secure
policies that boost economic growth because our collective future. The U.S. Chamber and our
growth benefits local communities and the people partners will proudly lead the way.”
who live in them.