P. 8
PTH family members of experts transferred within
Beijing-based foreign-invested enterprises to receive
Improving business and investment resident permits with the same duration as that of
environment the expert. High-level management personnel of
foreign companies planning to establish branches
Beijing’s plans to improve the foreign investment or subsidiaries in Beijing will be granted visas
environment involve continuous efforts to reduce or residence permits valid for up to two years,
trade costs and barriers. Initiatives to ease cross- with accompanying family members eligible for a
border commerce include: residence permit of the same duration.

• Support the establishment of a joint working The city also plans to expand the “one-stop
mechanism for trade facilitation and supervision. acceptance and parallel approval” system for foreign
work permits and residence permits throughout
• Allowing ordinary cosmetics with only color the city. Foreign high-end talents with valid visas
or fragrance differences to not undergo retesting or or residence permits intending to work in Beijing
reevaluation, except for health or safety considerations. will be able to directly apply for work permits in
China. Moreover, Beijing will “support international
• Exploring an international trade “single window” students in higher education institutions to take on
system for interconnectedness and information part-time work”, something which is generally not
sharing with key trading partners, thereby permitted in China.
promoting the electronic transmission of trade
documents. Specialized features will be added to The tasks outlined in the Working Plan follow a series
the international trade “single window,” including a of changes to China’s visa policies implemented in
service trade section. 2023. In August, China’s Ministry of Public Security
(MPS) released measures to enable people traveling
• Expanding international passenger and freight to China for business or trade activities to apply for a
routes to Europe and the US and launching a business visa on arrival. In September, the Ministry
pilot program for exporting low-orbit satellites by of Foreign Affairs (MFA) announced a simplification
private enterprises. of its visa application process, simplifying the
information that applicants need to provide on the
The Working Plan also outlines several initiatives for application form.
improving the ease of doing business and easing
administrative burdens on companies. In November, China also announced a unilateral
15-day visa-free entry policy for holders of
For instance, the city aims to transform its ordinary passports from France, Germany, Italy, the
functions by accelerating the development of digital Netherlands, Spain, and Malaysia, during the period
government services. Proposed initiatives include from December 1, 2023, to November 30, 2024.
piloting mutual cross-border recognition of electronic
signature certificates and mechanisms for electronic Implementing the plan to boost the
contracts, including in the fields of public services, Beijing service sector
finance, and commerce.
The tasks outlined in the Working Plan underscore
Moreover, in key locations (presumably areas such Beijing’s commitment to fostering a more business-
as development zones and industrial parks), it plans friendly environment and attracting increased
to achieve 100 percent online processing for high- foreign investment. The initiatives to streamline
frequency administrative services and implement trade processes, improve visa policies, and enhance
a “one appointment max” principle for handling the overall investment landscape signal a proactive
administrative permits related to new business approach toward global economic integration.
formats and models.
However, the success of these measures hinges on
Beijing will also seek to establish a one-stop their effective implementation. As these policies are
service system for foreign investment, develop translated into action, it will be crucial to monitor
investment guidelines for key sectors, and provide the granular details of their execution. We anticipate
comprehensive services and guidelines for high- that more detailed implementation plans will be
frequency matters. released in the future, shedding light on the practical
aspects and timelines, which will play a pivotal role in
Facilitating visa procedures for determining the ultimate impact on making Beijing an
foreign talent even more attractive destination for businesses and
foreign investment.
The Working Plan outlines several visa policies aimed
at attracting foreign talent to the city. The city of Beijing also acts as a pilot area for various
new policies and is leading the opening and reform of
First, the city aims to streamline the issuance of China’s service sector. Policies and measures to open up
talent visas and facilitate the visa process for short- the Beijing service sector, if successfully implemented,
term stays related to scientific research and other may later be rolled out to other areas of China.
purposes. In addition, it will allow accompanying

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