P. 4
Dear Members,
Dr. Harley Seyedin I have to admit, I really did not want to next three to five years to expand their
take off my dancing shoes after the glorious existing businesses, keep up with customer
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Spring Winter Ball last month. What a night demand, and to capture additional market
Business for Peace Award to remember. It was a night of good times, share. We believe, with the improvement in
(together with Elon Musk, friends, food, and drink. I want to send out relations, many very large projects which
Durren Shahnaz and Murad a hardy thank you to all who attended, but have been put on hold will now move
AI-Katib) I want to send out a special thank you to ahead. Research shows that every one
Awarded by an Award our dear friend Philip Chen who has been billion dollars of US investment creates 180
Committee of Nobel Laureates our MC for the past 20 years. He never fails times its value in new GDP. This provides
in Peace and Economics to keep us laughing. For more memories, for win-win investment opportunities for
Among few individuals on 233 check out our cover story on page 7. Who American and our Chinese partners alike.
years to be awarded the Thomas knows, you may even see your picture. Ultimately, China and America are back in
Jefferson initiated Peace We have many more major events you’re business… and business is good.
through Commerce Medal by invited to coming soon including the
the US Government 2023 AmCham Annual General Meeting Finally, I have to say a few words about
Visiting Professor, Jinan and AmCham HR Best Practices Award American diplomat, political scientist, and
University Ceremony. This is your chance to interact geopolitical consultant Henry Kissinger
President, Allelon Energy with the best of the best. who died recently at the age of 100.
Partners Kissinger, who served his country under
President, American Chamber of It has been a truly busy time for these past both the Nixon and Ford administrations,
Commerce in South China couple of months. First of all, I am honored helped initate decades of complex
to have been elected a Vice President of the political changes in China that led to an
Greater Bay Area CEO Club. The GBA·CEO era of reform and opening that eventually
Club is a non-profit organization comprised lifted 800 million people out of poverty.
of business leaders from various industries Perhaps no other American political figure
across cities in the Greater Bay Area. The has ever initiated such a monumental
GBA has a GDP of over US$2 trillion. and positive impact on a foreign county.
While Chinese archival sources that date
I was also invited by China Daily to write back to 1971 are largely unavailable, a
a piece on Presidents Xi and Biden’s San growing body of scholarship in China and
Francisco meeting in November. I truly the United States draws upon Chinese
believe this meeting has signaled that US language sources to show that Beijing was
and China have, in large part, resolved their just as energetic as Washington in trying
differences and are open for business. This to signal interest in a new relationship.
new mutual understanding opens the door Historians will spend decades sorting out
to massive opportunities for both Chinese Henry Kissinger’s complex global legacy,
and US investors who look for sustainable but his contributions to US-China relations
investments. This renewed confidence will are relatively straightforward: He brought
benefit Chinese and American citizens the two nations together in the middle
alike, as business worthy investors improve of the Cold War and advised Chinese and
society. Our annual Special Report on the American leaders through four decades of
State of Business in South China (released engagement. Writing about his death, the
earlier this year and still available on our Kissinger Institute and the Wilson Center
website) showed that the 2,300 members said Henry Kissinger’s belief that foreign
of the American Chamber of Commerce America’s China policy must be grounded
in South China, which account for nearly in an understanding of the histories,
40% of all US-China business, trade and cultures, and self-concepts of both nations.
investments, have in cash reserves over He was right in 1971. His beliefs are still
US$ 18 billion to reinvest in China in the valid today.
Dear Members,
Dr. Harley Seyedin I have to admit, I really did not want to next three to five years to expand their
take off my dancing shoes after the glorious existing businesses, keep up with customer
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Spring Winter Ball last month. What a night demand, and to capture additional market
Business for Peace Award to remember. It was a night of good times, share. We believe, with the improvement in
(together with Elon Musk, friends, food, and drink. I want to send out relations, many very large projects which
Durren Shahnaz and Murad a hardy thank you to all who attended, but have been put on hold will now move
AI-Katib) I want to send out a special thank you to ahead. Research shows that every one
Awarded by an Award our dear friend Philip Chen who has been billion dollars of US investment creates 180
Committee of Nobel Laureates our MC for the past 20 years. He never fails times its value in new GDP. This provides
in Peace and Economics to keep us laughing. For more memories, for win-win investment opportunities for
Among few individuals on 233 check out our cover story on page 7. Who American and our Chinese partners alike.
years to be awarded the Thomas knows, you may even see your picture. Ultimately, China and America are back in
Jefferson initiated Peace We have many more major events you’re business… and business is good.
through Commerce Medal by invited to coming soon including the
the US Government 2023 AmCham Annual General Meeting Finally, I have to say a few words about
Visiting Professor, Jinan and AmCham HR Best Practices Award American diplomat, political scientist, and
University Ceremony. This is your chance to interact geopolitical consultant Henry Kissinger
President, Allelon Energy with the best of the best. who died recently at the age of 100.
Partners Kissinger, who served his country under
President, American Chamber of It has been a truly busy time for these past both the Nixon and Ford administrations,
Commerce in South China couple of months. First of all, I am honored helped initate decades of complex
to have been elected a Vice President of the political changes in China that led to an
Greater Bay Area CEO Club. The GBA·CEO era of reform and opening that eventually
Club is a non-profit organization comprised lifted 800 million people out of poverty.
of business leaders from various industries Perhaps no other American political figure
across cities in the Greater Bay Area. The has ever initiated such a monumental
GBA has a GDP of over US$2 trillion. and positive impact on a foreign county.
While Chinese archival sources that date
I was also invited by China Daily to write back to 1971 are largely unavailable, a
a piece on Presidents Xi and Biden’s San growing body of scholarship in China and
Francisco meeting in November. I truly the United States draws upon Chinese
believe this meeting has signaled that US language sources to show that Beijing was
and China have, in large part, resolved their just as energetic as Washington in trying
differences and are open for business. This to signal interest in a new relationship.
new mutual understanding opens the door Historians will spend decades sorting out
to massive opportunities for both Chinese Henry Kissinger’s complex global legacy,
and US investors who look for sustainable but his contributions to US-China relations
investments. This renewed confidence will are relatively straightforward: He brought
benefit Chinese and American citizens the two nations together in the middle
alike, as business worthy investors improve of the Cold War and advised Chinese and
society. Our annual Special Report on the American leaders through four decades of
State of Business in South China (released engagement. Writing about his death, the
earlier this year and still available on our Kissinger Institute and the Wilson Center
website) showed that the 2,300 members said Henry Kissinger’s belief that foreign
of the American Chamber of Commerce America’s China policy must be grounded
in South China, which account for nearly in an understanding of the histories,
40% of all US-China business, trade and cultures, and self-concepts of both nations.
investments, have in cash reserves over He was right in 1971. His beliefs are still
US$ 18 billion to reinvest in China in the valid today.