P. 24
Planet Earth is big enough for the two countries to businesses, keep up with customer demand, and
succeed, and one country's success is an opportunity capture additional market share. We believe that
for the other. Last week, leaders of two of the world's with the improvement in relations, many very large
largest economies took a step forward, something that projects that have been put on hold will now move
can be best described in the words US astronaut Neil forward. Research shows that every $1 billion
Armstrong used on July 20, 1969: "One small step for of US investment in China creates 180 times its
man, one giant leap for mankind." value in new GDP. This creates win-win investment
opportunities for both US companies as well as their
The long-anticipated meeting between the two Chinese partners.
presidents resulted in commitments to increase
bilateral cooperation in several key areas, including A strong relationship between China and the US is
counter-narcotics, governance of artificial intelligence, central to the world's economic strength and security.
and military affairs. This is the highest-level US-China "I think it's paramount that you and I understand each
meeting since the two heads of state met last year in other clearly, leader to leader, with no misconceptions
Bali, Indonesia, and is the result of months-long efforts or miscommunication," President Biden said. "We also
to stabilize ties. The meeting sets "a new starting point" have a responsibility to our people- and the world
for the relationship, with the hope of more collaboration — to work together when we see it in our interest
to come. to do so. And the critical global challenges we face,
from climate change to counter-narcotics to artificial
We would like to congratulate both leaders for this historic intelligence, demand our joint efforts."
and important meeting, a meeting that is expected to have
deep and positive implications for the world of business, The relationship between the two superpowers
as it has reassured the business community and instilled is more than just a necessity. It is critical to
A New Starting international trade. Cross investments
by Chinese and US businesses directly
and indirectly support millions of jobs in
both the US and China.
President Xi Jinping said China and
Point for US, China the US just need to find the right
way to get along with each other.
"The global economy is recovering,
but its momentum remains sluggish;
industrial and supply chains are still
Business By Harley Seyedin and James Eric Black under the threat of interruption; and
Published on China protectionism is rising. All these are
renewed confidence in investors from the United States,
China and across the globe.
The meeting has signaled that the US and China
have, in large part, committed to resolve their
differences and are open to do business. This new
mutual understanding opens the door to massive
opportunities for both Chinese and US investors
who look for sustainable investments. This renewed
confidence will benefit Chinese and US citizens alike,
as businesses worthy of investors improve societies.
An annual study by the American Chamber of
Commerce in South China released earlier this year
showed that the 2,300 members of the American
Chamber of Commerce in South China — which
account for nearly 40 percent of all US-China
business, trade and investments — have over $18
billion in their cash reserves to reinvest in China in
the next three to five years and expand their existing
Planet Earth is big enough for the two countries to businesses, keep up with customer demand, and
succeed, and one country's success is an opportunity capture additional market share. We believe that
for the other. Last week, leaders of two of the world's with the improvement in relations, many very large
largest economies took a step forward, something that projects that have been put on hold will now move
can be best described in the words US astronaut Neil forward. Research shows that every $1 billion
Armstrong used on July 20, 1969: "One small step for of US investment in China creates 180 times its
man, one giant leap for mankind." value in new GDP. This creates win-win investment
opportunities for both US companies as well as their
The long-anticipated meeting between the two Chinese partners.
presidents resulted in commitments to increase
bilateral cooperation in several key areas, including A strong relationship between China and the US is
counter-narcotics, governance of artificial intelligence, central to the world's economic strength and security.
and military affairs. This is the highest-level US-China "I think it's paramount that you and I understand each
meeting since the two heads of state met last year in other clearly, leader to leader, with no misconceptions
Bali, Indonesia, and is the result of months-long efforts or miscommunication," President Biden said. "We also
to stabilize ties. The meeting sets "a new starting point" have a responsibility to our people- and the world
for the relationship, with the hope of more collaboration — to work together when we see it in our interest
to come. to do so. And the critical global challenges we face,
from climate change to counter-narcotics to artificial
We would like to congratulate both leaders for this historic intelligence, demand our joint efforts."
and important meeting, a meeting that is expected to have
deep and positive implications for the world of business, The relationship between the two superpowers
as it has reassured the business community and instilled is more than just a necessity. It is critical to
A New Starting international trade. Cross investments
by Chinese and US businesses directly
and indirectly support millions of jobs in
both the US and China.
President Xi Jinping said China and
Point for US, China the US just need to find the right
way to get along with each other.
"The global economy is recovering,
but its momentum remains sluggish;
industrial and supply chains are still
Business By Harley Seyedin and James Eric Black under the threat of interruption; and
Published on China protectionism is rising. All these are
renewed confidence in investors from the United States,
China and across the globe.
The meeting has signaled that the US and China
have, in large part, committed to resolve their
differences and are open to do business. This new
mutual understanding opens the door to massive
opportunities for both Chinese and US investors
who look for sustainable investments. This renewed
confidence will benefit Chinese and US citizens alike,
as businesses worthy of investors improve societies.
An annual study by the American Chamber of
Commerce in South China released earlier this year
showed that the 2,300 members of the American
Chamber of Commerce in South China — which
account for nearly 40 percent of all US-China
business, trade and investments — have over $18
billion in their cash reserves to reinvest in China in
the next three to five years and expand their existing