P. 20

How USTR’s Digital Trade
Reversal Will Hurt
Small Businesses ByIsabelleIcso,Director,

International Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Last month, the Office of the U.S. Trade
Representative (USTR) announced it was walking
back the longstanding U.S. position in support of
strong digital trade rules. As we previously noted, this
move will harm American workers, open the door to
unfair treatment of U.S. companies, and threaten our
global competitiveness.

These rules are framed to prevent foreign
governments from unfairly targeting American
companies. USTR’s shift sends a signal that
Washington may no longer protest such
discrimination against U.S. companies.

Of primary concern is that American small and
medium-sized businesses will be hit hard. Let’s take a
step back to identify the issue and why it’s so critical
to the success of smaller businesses across the U.S.

What is digital trade? • find new customers via targeted online

Digital trade is commerce enabled by electronic searchand other tools;
means. In other words, it is anything that is facilitated
by digital technologies, whether it is digitally or • adopt e-payment systems that ensure quick,
physically delivered. For example, digital trade would
include the purchase and physical delivery of a paper economical, and safe transactions;
book through an online marketplace as well as the
purchase and digital delivery of an e-book. • employ cloud technology that allow them

Why does it matter to the to operate with the sophistication of a major
small businesses? multinational business; and

Digital trade is opening markets to American • utilize shipping, customs clearance, and
small businesses, which have seen their overseas
opportunities grow thanks to e-commerce platforms fulfillment providers that enable them to send
and digital advertising tools that allow them to benefit products worldwide.
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