P. 7
Location and development objectives China’s Master Plan for the
development and construction
The Master Plan for the Construction of the of the Western Science City
Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle (hereinafter,
Master Plan) jointly released on October 21, 2021, The master plan contained in the Opinions
by the Central Committee of the Communist Party outlines specific government actions and
of China (CCCPC) and the State Council includes their scope.
the city of Chengdu, 27 districts (and counties) in
Chongqing, and 14 other Sichuan cities. Below, we highlight key proposals.

The Economic Circle spans an area of 185,000 square • Fostering innovation
kilometers, with a population of over 96 million and a
GDP of over RMB7 trillion (US$1 trillion). To build strategic technological strength
and foster innovation at a national level,
As a large market in the hinterland of Western the government is implementing various
China, it will also play a crucial role in promoting measures. These include:
the country’s dual circulation development strategy.
Other key goals are becoming a world-class Establishing a high-level laboratory system:
advanced manufacturing cluster and a prominent The government will implement central
cosmopolitan destination. decision-making arrangements to participate
in the construction of the national laboratory
Regarding improvements to the urban system, the “core + base + network” and provide service
Master Plan focuses on coordinated development guarantees to support leading scientific and
between large, medium, and small cities. technological forces. Key advantage areas will
receive support for the construction of national
Infrastructure connectivity, for example, will be key laboratories in the Western Science City.
improved to enhance the quality of life for local The government will also support the joint
residents. To achieve these objectives on time, the construction of the Sichuan-Chongqing Joint
Economic Circle has set targets for major progress Laboratory and the plan to build a batch of
in several areas by 2025. provincial (municipal) laboratories.

• Role of the Western Science City in the Concentrating on the layout of major scientific
Economic Circle and technological infrastructure clusters:
Beijing aims to accelerate the construction
Chengdu and Chongqing have been among of the Chengdu-Chongqing comprehensive
the fastest-growing cities in China over the last scientific center and promote the rapid
decade. In 2022, the GDP of both Chengdu and implementation of prerequisite conditions for
Chongqing surpassed the RMB 2 trillion mark various facilities.
(about US$294.4 billion).
Jointly building major innovation platforms:
Yet, on closer scrutiny, there are multiple challenges The government aims to integrate innovation
facing the twin cities, including overcapacity in resources in the Chengdu-Chongqing region to
certain industries and the need for more capacity cultivate and create the Chengdu-Chongqing
building in areas of innovation, scientific research, National Technology Innovation Center. This
and technological advancement. includes the construction of a batch of national
industrial innovation centers, engineering
It is hoped that the Western Science City, being research centers, technology innovation
developed in Chongqing, will attract more talent centers, medical research centers, medical
and investment to the region to cultivate innovation, centers, and other innovation platforms.
strengthen technology companies, develop tech
finance, promote tech transactions, and advance Cooperating to build first-class university
technology exchanges. This could direct industrial research institutes and new research and
development into new areas and encourage value- development organizations: Beijing plans
added production. to rely on the regional advantages of top
universities and disciplines to strengthen basic
The Western Science City covers an area of 1,198 research and original innovation capabilities.
square kilometers across five districts in Chongqing:
Shapingba, Beibei, Jiulongpo, Jiangjin, and Bishan.

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